Is the city violating the law when it comes to class size? You betcha!

Class sizes keep increasing  in all areas of the city, despite the Contracts for Excellence (C4E)  law passed by the state  in 2007, requiring the DOE to reduce class sizes in all grades.  We are now in the fifth and final year of the city’s class size reduction plan, only class sizes in the early grades are the largest they have been in eleven years.

Here is more background information in the form of a powerpoint; here is a sample resolution for your CEC or PTA to consider.

Comments are due Nov. 23 to

We will be giving presentations at the District 2 CEC on October 26 at PS 116 at 7 PM; District 3 CEC on November 2 at the Joan of Arc Building on 93rd St., District 22 CEC on November 3 at PS 139, at the CEC 11 PTA breakfast at 9 AM on November 8, and at CEC 5 at PS 125 on November 10.

Please join us!

Here is a letter that the UFT, Class Size Matters, the NAACP and AQE wrote to Commissioner King about all the flaws in the public process this year.

Posted here is the powerpoint presentation I gave  in Queens last week, (here it is as a pdf) laying out the ongoing increases in class size that are damaging our children’s opportunity to learn, and the city’s numerous violations of law in terms of process and the dismal results, despite more than $2 billion in state C4E funds since 2007.

If you’d like a similar presentation for your CEC or PTA with district or school specific class size data over time, please let us  know by emailing

Categories Presentations, Reports & Memos, Reports, Testimonies, Etc. | Tags: | Posted on October 24, 2011

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