
Update on budget cuts & how you can help!

June 21, 2022 Dear folks, Important updates: This Friday June 24 at 11:30 AM in front of City Hall there will be a press conference/rally to protest the devastating budget cuts to schools.  Please come and bring signs. Then starting at noon, there will be hybrid Council hearings on these cuts, held by the NYC […]

June 21, 2022 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Invitation to our “Skinny award” dinner! and sign our petition to Gov. Hochul now!

June 12, 2022 Class Size Matters would like to invite you to our “Skinny Award” dinner to be held Monday, June 27 at 6 PM. This our first fundraiser in three years, and especially important this year as we have something really momentous to celebrate: the passage of a new state law that will require […]

June 12, 2022 in Newsletters, Updates by

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How the Mayor’s proposed budget cuts to schools will drive class sizes up rather than down

Our 2022 Parent Action conference was great; about 80 people participated. Here is the presentation I gave on the new class size bill and yet how proposed budget cuts to schools will likely cause class sizes to rise sharply rather than decrease. Sure enough, last night school budgets were released, and they were brutal. Some […]

June 6, 2022 in Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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NYC Class Size Reduction Bill Approved by Legislature! Long Overdue and Urgently Needed

Updated: June 5, 2022 The class size bill passed the NY State Senate Thursday afternoon at 59-4; and the Assembly early Friday morning; 147-2.  Pretty good articles about the passage were published in Gothamist, Chalkbeat , Politics NY and News 4 NY. Other mainstream media outlets merely uncritically repeated long-debunked anti-class size myths. Now please […]

June 3, 2022 in Press Releases, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Great victory now likely for NYC kids — new class size bill to be voted upon today or tomorrow!

June 1, 2022 A new bill was introduced in the Legislature yesterday, supported by our elected leaders and a majority of both houses, that would require NYC DOE to phase in class size caps in all NYC public schools to be achieved over five years – to no more than 20 students in K-3, 23 […]

June 1, 2022 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Sign up NOW for our annual Parent Action Conference on June 4!

Please sign up now for our Annual Parent Action Conference on Saturday June 4 from 4 to 6 PM, sponsored by Class Size Matters and NYC Kids PAC. Keynote speakers will include Congressman Jamaal Bowman, NY State Senator Robert Jackson and NYC Council Education Chair Rita Joseph. Following that, we’ll have a brief presentation on […]

May 27, 2022 in Events, Uncategorized, Updates by

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CSM testimony on proposed cuts to schools budgets & the capital plan

May 25, 2022 Check out our  submitted budget testimony before the NYC Council Finance Committee for today. We urged the Chair Justin Brannan and other Council Members to prevent the Mayor’s proposed cuts to school budgets of $375 million, that are projected to lead to a loss of about 3200 teaching positions, which in turn […]

May 25, 2022 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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City budget hearings tomorrow & possible legislative breakthrough on class size!

May 24, 2022 1. Just a quick note to let you know that there are City Council public hearings tomorrow on the budget, starting at 10 AM. If you’d like to testify by zoom, you can sign up here. Written testimony can also be submitted for up to to 72 hours after these hearings are […]

May 24, 2022 in Take Action, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Presentation on the proposed budget cuts to schools & their likely impact on class size

May 23, 2022 Below is the presentation I gave to the ECC on the proposed budget cuts to schools and the capital plan and their likely impact on class size and school overcrowding.  Because of the sharp decline in enrollment of the past two years, the DOE has a real opportunity to sustain the smaller […]

May 23, 2022 in Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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DOE Hearings & suggested talking points on their 2022-2023 C4E plan

Because of our continued advocacy and the support of the Commissioner, the NY State Education Department is now requiring that NYC hold its CEC and Borough public hearings on their Contract for Excellence spending plan for next year in May and June of this year – rather than dragging these hearings into the fall and […]

May 23, 2022 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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