
Join us Monday night for an update on the Class Size law & what DOE should be doing to comply

Nov. 21, 2023 Dear all: 1.   Important! Next Monday, Nov. 17, Class Size Matters, the Alliance for Quality Education and NYC Kids PAC are hosting a webinar at 7 PM to explain what the DOE should be doing to lower class size in accordance with the law, and how parents, teachers and community members […]

November 25, 2023 in Newsletters by

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More than 300,000 NYC Students in High-Need Schools Stuck in Oversized Classes

See the UFT media release below about the press conference this morning at the Landmark Elementary school in Brooklyn, K599.  Some news clips: City & State, ABC7, Gothamist, NY1, Fox5 NY. Along with UFT President Michael Mulgrew, co-Executive Director AQE Zakiyah Ansari, and me who are quoted below, others speaking eloquently at the press conference […]

November 21, 2023 in Press Releases, Uncategorized, Updates by

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NYC class sizes increase for the second year in a row; unlikely DoE will comply with the law if current trends continue

Nov. 18, 2023 Dear all: The new class size data for the current school year was released by the NYC Department of Education on Wednesday, showing an increase in average class sizes across all grade levels, as we predicted. For elementary and middle schools, this is the second year in a row that average class […]

November 17, 2023 in Newsletters, Uncategorized by

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Class Sizes Increase For 2nd Year In A Row In Most Grades: NYC unlikely to comply with class size law next year

For Immediate Release: Nov. 15, 2023 More information:  Leonie Haimson, 917-435-9329;   Class Sizes Increase For 2nd Year In A Row In Most Grades; Compliance With New Class Size Law Unlikely  Next Year Without Big Changes In DOE’s Policies The new class size data for the current school year was released by the NYC […]

November 15, 2023 in Press Releases, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Radical cuts in funding and elimination of transparency in new Five-Year capital plan

Nov. 8, 2023 Dear all — The DoE/SCA released the new proposed Five-Year Capital Plan for FY 2025 – 2029 last week, the first to even mention the new class size law, which will require more schools to be built in overcrowded areas to create sufficient space for the smaller classes. Yet the number of […]

November 8, 2023 in Newsletters, Uncategorized by

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Four ways you can help us fight for smaller classes!

October 18, 2023 1. Class Size Matters, the Education Law Center and AQE sent a letter to the State Commissioner earlier this week, critiquing the final draft class size plan that DOE submitted to the state for approval on Sept. 29. This new plan makes no significant changes from the previous one posted in July, […]

October 18, 2023 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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How the attacks on small class size don’t add up

September 28, 2023 I wanted to share with you my piece in Monday’s Washington Post, written in response to Michael Bloomberg’s attacks against the new class size law.  In my oped, I correct his factual errors and point out his misleading use of data as drawn from a recent Chalkbeat piece.  In case it’s behind […]

September 28, 2023 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Update on the Class Size Working Group, ed tech and student privacy

Sept. 26, 2023 1.       Reminder: The Class Size Working Group will be presenting our preliminary recommendations a plan for DOE to lower class size in accordance with the new law, starting tomorrow, Wed. and Monday of next week. If you’d like to hear and/or provide feedback, please sign up now for any […]

September 25, 2023 in Newsletters by

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Make your voice heard on class size and ed tech!

Sept. 17, 2023 A quick but important update on important meetings happening this week and next: 1. Save these dates on class size! The Class Size Working Group that was appointed by the Chancellor to help develop a plan to lower class size citywide in accordance with the new state law is holding public engagement […]

September 19, 2023 in Campaigns, Newsletters by

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Tell the Mayor what you think of his new threats of huge budget cuts to come

September 12, 2023 Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Mayor Adams has now ordered every city agency to impose an immediate hiring freeze and submit budget cuts for next year totaling nearly 15%: 5% cuts by October 6, another round of 5% cuts by January, and yet another 5% by April. According […]

September 12, 2023 in Newsletters, Updates by

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