Class size increasing citywide: 2013 data & trends for each district

According to the Contracts for Excellence (C4E) law, the DOE is supposed to be reducing class size in all grades.  The city submitted a plan to do so in the fall of 2007, along with annual targets and five year goals.  Instead, class size has risen substantially each year and is now the largest in 14 years in the early grades.

On February 18, The DOE released its latest proposed C4E plan for the current (2012-2013) school year.   Public comment is due March 18; please send your comments to the DOE by emailing them at:; please copy Commissioner King at A sample email is posted here.

In the powerpoints below, we explain why class size is so important, provide district-specific class size data and trends, and explain how DOE’s policies have specifically worked against any concerted effort to provide reasonable class sizes to NYC children. We are doing presentations at many CECs over the next month; for more information about where, click here.  You can also check out a  resolution on class size that CECs, PTAs and other groups might consider passing.

Check out the links below for class sizes in your district’s schools.

Citywide Analysis

District 1

District 2

District 3

District 4

District 5

District 6

District 7

District 8

District 9

District 10

District 11

District 12

District 13

District 14

District 15

District 16

District 17

District 18

District 19

District 20

District 21

District 22

District 23

District 24

District 25

District 26

District 27

District 28

District 29

District 30

District 31

District 32


Categories Presentations | Tags: | Posted on February 26, 2013

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