Let us know if your school is on this class size “pilot” list

Update:  The DOE has now posted a School Allocation Memo 49 with guidance for this $18 million class size reduction “pilot” in 72 elementary schools, as well as a spreadsheet listing actual amounts per school. [The spreadsheet allotments only add up to $14.3 million, but perhaps that’s because the DOE is covering the rest of the pension and benefits costs centrally.]

The instructions don’t require actual reductions in class size or even encourage this, but allow the hiring of additional push-in teachers with these funds, including part-time “F” status teachers.  The memo also emphasizes that the pilot may not last more than one year:

As this is a pilot, funding may not be renewed in future years; schools should ensure plans for long-term sustainability for any teachers hired under this allocation. For example, schools may consider using F-Status staff or assigning teachers from non-classroom roles to early grade classes for literacy instruction.

Of course, any education program may not be renewed, and in this case, given that there will be a new Mayor in January who can cancel any he doesn’t like — so this language seems to further indicate the DOE’s entire lack of interest if not outright hostility to the entire notion of class size reduction.


The DOE has provided the list of  the 72 elementary schools that are receiving additional funds to lower class size next year in grades K-2.  The list is posted here and embedded below.  If you work in one of these schools or your child attends one, please let us know at info@classsizematters.org The DOE has also intimated that rather than actually reducing class size, they may simply put another teacher in the classroom to change the student/teacher ratio, which does not have the same proven benefits of smaller classes.  More on this “pilot” initiative here.


Categories Uncategorized, Updates | Tags: | Posted on July 29, 2021

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