Important update: invitation to speak at Council hearings on class size Feb. 24!

1. Just a quick note to let you know that the hearings on class size have now been rescheduled on Mon. Feb. 24 at 1 PM at 250 Broadway; 14th floor across from City Hall.

We really need parents and concerned citizens and, if possible, teachers to come speak about why this is an important issue to them. The hearings are likely to continue to at least 4 PM.

If you cannot attend, you can also send a statement or written testimony by Feb. 27 at 5 PM to who will share it with Education Committee members.  

If you do plan to testify or send a statement, is always best to speak from your own experience as a parent or teacher. But additional points you could make are provided in our Class Size FAQ here.

We may hold a rally beforehand at City Hall, but not yet sure; will let you know as soon as this is settled.

2. If you haven’t already, please also call Speaker Corey Johnson at 212-564-7757 or 212-788-7210 and your own Council Member – you can find out their contact info at

Urge them to allocate at least $100 million in next year’s budget for class size reduction.

Then follow up by letting us know at our quick survey.  Thanks so much to those of you who’ve done this already.

Hope to see you next Monday, Leonie

PS I was flattered to discover I was just named the 16th most powerful education leader in NY State by City and State Magazine; you can check out the entire list here.

Categories Newsletters, Recent Newsletters | Tags: | Posted on February 17, 2020

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