
Presentation for the Real Deal on School Budgets forum

Below is the presentation I gave at the Real Deal on School Budgets forum, sponsored by Senator Robert Jackson on Oct. 25, 2022, with a special focus class size, school overcrowding and cuts to School district 6. If you’d like a similar briefing for your CEC or community group, with a focus on your schools, […]

October 26, 2022 in Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Please join CPAC & many CECs in urging that a Class Size Task Force be created; there is no time to waste.

On June 2, 2022 the Legislature overwhelming passed the class size bill,  S9460/ A10498,  by a vote of 59-4 in the Senate and 147-2 in the Assembly.  The bill required that NYC implement a five-year class size reduction plan beginning in the fall of 2022.  On Sept. 8, 2022, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed the bill […]

October 13, 2022 in Campaigns, Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Take our five-minute survey about impact of budget cuts on your school!

Oct. 6, 2022 We need to hear NYC from teachers, parents, students, principals and other school staff as to what the impact of the budget cuts has been on your school this year, in terms of class size and other critical services and programs. Last year, because school funding was sufficient despite the enrollment decline, […]

October 6, 2022 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Appellate Court budget cut hearings and Galaxy cuts as of Sept. 28, 2022

Sept. 28, 2022 The Appellate Court hearings on the lawsuit to restore the budget cuts to schools are scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 29. Only the attorneys are allowed in the courtroom but observers will be able to watch the proceedings via the live stream or on YouTube, starting at about 2 PM for all […]

September 28, 2022 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Updated: FAQ on the state’s new class size law

See our Myths vs. Facts sheet for more info. Updated Jan.15, 2024  FAQ on the NY Class Size Law On June 2, 2022, the NY State Legislature passed a bill to by a vote of 59-4 in the Senate and 147-2 in the Assembly that required NYC schools to implement a five-year class size reduction […]

September 28, 2022 in Reports & Memos, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Parents and advocates thank Gov. Hochul and cheer the signing of the class size bill

For immediate release: September 9, 2022 Contacts: Leonie Haimson: 917-435-9329; Julia Watson: 978.518.0729; Randi Garay and Shirley Aubin: Yesterday, Governor Hochul signed the class size bill passed overwhelmingly last June by the Legislature that would require NYC to phase in smaller classes over five years. The only change from the original bill […]

September 9, 2022 in Press Releases, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Our testimony on budget cuts, the unfairness of Fair Student Funding, and the possible re-emergence of the ATR pool

August 22, 2022 Check out Class Size Matters testimony at hearings of the Council Education Department today on their resolution, demanding the Mayor restore the budget cuts to schools. We included a critique of the entire design of the Fair Student Funding system, showing how it was structured to maximize class sizes and incentivize principals […]

August 22, 2022 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Letter to Gov. Hochul, correcting numerous factual errors in NY Post oped & urging her to sign class size bill

August 20, 2022 A few weeks ago, the NY Post ran an oped by a plaintiff in the NYSER case, which was an educational lawsuit  filed in 2014 and settled last fall,  after the Governor agreed to fully fund the amount to NYC schools owed them from the Campaign for Fiscal Equity case. This NY […]

August 20, 2022 in Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Council hearings Monday, Sen. Liu on class size & budget cuts, and our letter to Gov. Hochul

August 20, 2022 1.This Monday, Aug. 22 starting at 10 AM there will be hearings on the NYC Council’s resolution demanding the Mayor restore $469 million in budget cuts to schools. This resolution, that 35 of 51 Council Members have now co-signed, is sure to pass; but if you have the time, it would be […]

August 20, 2022 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Statement on the Appellate Court decision yesterday

August 10, 2022 The Appellate Court acknowledged that the City was entitled to an automatic stay of Judge Frank’s decision. The consequence of the automatic stay is that the budget cuts to schools go back into effect. It is important to note, however, that the Judge did not review or even consider the merits of […]

August 10, 2022 in Press Releases, Updates by

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