
Deadline on Friday to sign up for remote or in-person learning next year

August 4, 2020 Dear friends– Late on Friday, the DOE released the outline of a plan for school reopening in the fall, to be submitted to the State Board of Health.   They promise more details at the school level will follow. They released a rubric and protocol for individual school closures if Covid cases emerge among students or staff. […]

August 5, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Contact your legislators now – schools desperately need funding to reopen safely next fall!

July 21, 2020 Last week, Governor Cuomo, the State Department of Health, and the NY State Education Department all came out with detailed guidance on what measures schools should take to reopen in the fall to ensure health and safety as well as provide instructional and emotional support to their students. If the COVID positivity rates of all […]

July 21, 2020 in Campaigns, Newsletters, Take Action, Updates by

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Letter to regents regarding reopening schools

Below is a letter we sent last week from Class Size Matters and NYC Kids PAC to Chancellor Rosa, the Board of Regents and the NY State Education Commissioner, with copies to Chancellor Carranza and other education decision makers, highlighting some of the most important concerns and ideas offered by parents, teachers and others who […]

July 7, 2020 in Reports, Testimonies, Etc., Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Summary of our June 20 conference, with ideas from parents, educators and others on the reopening of schools

The following PowerPoint is a summary of concerns and ideas offered by parents, teachers and others who contributed to our online survey and our June 20 conference on the reopening of schools.

July 7, 2020 in Reports & Memos, Reports, Testimonies, Etc., Updates by

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Parent and educator concerns on the reopening of schools from our online survey and conference

Below is a letter we sent last week from Class Size Matters and NYC Kids PAC to Chancellor Rosa, the Board of Regents and the NY State Education Commissioner, with copies to Chancellor Carranza and other education decision makers, highlighting some of the most important concerns and ideas offered by parents, teachers and others who […]

July 7, 2020 in Updates by

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Update on city budget deal: what it means for our schools

July 1, 2020 Dear friends– Whether the budget that was just passed by the City Council was a good one or not depends on whether you’re looking at the glass half empty or half full. According to the Council press release, they negotiated the restoration of $100 million in proposed cuts to Fair Student Funding, $11.6 […]

July 2, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Another way to urge the Mayor and NYC Council to increase the budget for schools next year

June 26, 2020 Dear friends– Thank you so much sending a message via Action Network to the Mayor & Chancellor to let them know school budgets next year must be increased rather than cut to ensure the health & safety of students and staff, and to provide smaller classes & sufficient support to kids who will need […]

June 30, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Mayor threatens even more budget cuts; send your letters today!

June 24, 2020 Friends– Update: The NYC budget is due June 30, a week from today. This morning, Mayor de Blasio announced that he is considering another $1 billion in cuts, which would necessitate the layoff of an additional 22,000 municipal workers.   PLEASE, send a letter to the Mayor and Chancellor today, if you haven’t already, urging him […]

June 24, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Send a letter TODAY to NYC Council Speaker & leaders that school budgets must be increased, not cut

Friends — Please send a letter to the Speaker Johnson today and the Education and Finance Council chairs to say that the DOE budget should NOT be cut next year, as the Mayor has proposed; but instead, school funding should be increased so they can hire more teachers, counselors, nurses, custodial staff as well as purchasing the supplies to ensure that […]

June 18, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Save the date! and please answer our survey on reopening schools

June 7, 2020 Dear friends — Class Size Matters and NYC Kids PAC are holding a conference on Saturday, June 20 from 11 AM to 1 PM called Sharing Ideas & Solutions for Reopening Schools: The Path Forward. The conference will be co-sponsored by CEC 4, CEC 8, CEC 14, CEC 17 and CEC 28. Please save the date!  […]

June 8, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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