
Councilmember Treyger and Speaker Johnson Introduce Class Size Reduction Bill

Earlier today, City Council Education Committee Chair Mark Treyger and Council Speaker Corey Johnson announced and introduced legislation which would effectively reduce class sizes by updating NYC’s Administrative Code. The bill (Int. No. 2374) will raise the minimum per person classroom space to 35 square feet per student from the current 20 square feet for grades […]

July 29, 2021 in News, News Clips, Updates by

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Talking points for C4E borough hearings

July 29, 2021 The DOE is holding borough hearings on their proposed Contracts for Excellence plan from Aug. 2-Aug. 5 at 6:30 PM.  The location of these hearings and the proposed plan are posted here. You can also send your comments on the plan by emailing [email protected]  Below are some questions you can ask and […]

July 29, 2021 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Let us know if your school is on this class size “pilot” list

Update:  The DOE has now posted a School Allocation Memo 49 with guidance for this $18 million class size reduction “pilot” in 72 elementary schools, as well as a spreadsheet listing actual amounts per school. [The spreadsheet allotments only add up to $14.3 million, but perhaps that’s because the DOE is covering the rest of […]

July 29, 2021 in Uncategorized, Updates by

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The city budget’s scant amount for a “pilot” for class size reduction

July 8, 2021 Instead of the $250 million the City Council proposed should be invested in lowering class size, Mayor de Blasio would agree to only $18 million, for a “pilot” project in a few schools. This despite the fact that there will be a crying need for smaller classes next year, both for social […]

July 21, 2021 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Problems with DOE’s proposed “plan” for Contract for Excellence funds and upcoming hearings

July 20, 2021 Late Friday, the DOE finally posted a schedule for Contract for Excellence (C4E) borough hearings, in response to a letter from Wendy Lecker of the Ed Law Center and I sent nearly a month ago, urging them to schedule timely hearings and to take public input seriously in their plan, as the […]

July 21, 2021 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Letter to Chancellor to ensure there’s meaningful public input in spending of C4E state funds

See our letter written with the Education Law Center to the DOE Chancellor about the need to hold prompt hearings to gain input from parents and others on how the C4E funding will be spent next year.  This public input is legally required and is especially critical now, given that our schools are finally getting […]

June 24, 2021 in Reports & Memos, State Class Size Programs, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Watch our new video: Why class size matters!

 NYC educators, parents, students, elected officials explain how class size has a profound impact on learning and the quality of education, especially for disadvantaged and high needs students, and that for the sake of true equity, class sizes should be reduced in NYC and nationwide.  If you agree, please sign our petition to the […]

June 18, 2021 in Media, Uncategorized, Updates, Videos by

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Results from Parent Action Conference 2021: How do parents, educators & students want $8B in additional funds to be spent?

On Sat. May 22, 2021, we had a great Parent Action Conference, co-sponsored with NYC Kids PAC and Teens Take Charge, to brainstorm on how parents, educators and students would like the $8B in additional federal and state funds should be spent to meet our students’ needs.  Thanks to all her participated! Our terrific keynote […]

May 22, 2021 in Presentations, Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Please send a letter on the need to lower class size to your State Senator today! and other updates

May 15, 2021 Please send a letter today to your State Legislators by clicking here, urging them to sign onto S.6296 , introduced by Sen. Robert Jackson, and A.7447 , introduced by Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon, to update and renew NYC’s commitment to lower class size in all grades – especially now our schools are […]

May 3, 2021 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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How do you think NYC should spend $8 billion to improve our schools? Attend our conference & take our survey

We are holding our annual Parent Action Conference on Sat. May 22 from 11 AM – 1 PM with Kids PAC, to gain input from parents, teachers and others on how NYC should invest the $8 billion in additional state and federal funds our schools are due to receive in the next two to three […]

May 3, 2021 in Events, Uncategorized, Updates by

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