Reports, Testimonies, Etc.

Compelling testimony on the need to lower class size from Regent Cashin, Diane Ravitch, Elsie McCabe Thompson and others

Oct. 28, 2021 Much of the testimony yesterday at the City Council was compelling about the importance of lowering class size and the need to pass Intro 2374 for the sake of NYC students.  Class Size Matters testimony is here. Testimony of Michael Mulgrew, UFT President, is here. An article about these hearings is here.  […]

October 27, 2021 in Reports, Testimonies, Etc., Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Class Size Matters testimony in support of class size reduction bill Intro 2374

Oct. 27, 2021 Video of Leonie Haimson is above, testifying on behalf of Intro 2374 at the Oct. 26 NYC Council hearings. Class Size Matters written testimony is below.  The bill would effectively lower class size by enlarging the per student space required in classrooms.  The testimony and videos of some of the other witnesses […]

October 27, 2021 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Hearings scheduled on Oct. 27 for class size bill! And next steps

Oct. 15, 2021 Thanks to all of you who called the Speaker’s office, urging him to schedule hearings on the classroom capacity bill that would phase in smaller classes, Intro 2374, introduced by the Speaker Corey Johnson and Council Education Chair Mark Treyger. Yesterday it was announced that Council hearings would be held on this […]

October 15, 2021 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Help us ensure the class size bill passes!

Oct. 14 Update: The City Council Education Committee hearings for Intro 2374 are now scheduled for  Oct. 27, 2021, starting at 10 AM. You can sign up to speak remotely here or submit testimony.  Please do! Oct. 13, 2021 Dear all: 1. Exciting news! More than half of all City Council members have now signed […]

October 13, 2021 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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The Five Myths of Mayoral control: Testimony before the Assembly Education Committee

Testimony on Mayoral control before the Assembly Education Committee. Most large districts whose schools suffered under Mayoral control including Detroit, Newark, and now Chicago have gone back to elected school boards. Why shouldn’t NYC voters have the same rights?

October 13, 2021 in Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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De Blasio’s education record: presentation at CUNY SLU forum

Sept. 30, 2021 I was asked to provide a brief summary of de Blasio’s educational record for a forum sponsored by CUNY’s School of Labor and Urban Studies today, with other presenters on other issues listed to the left. My presentation was limited to five minutes so I couldn’t present the entire power point,  and […]

September 30, 2021 in Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Class Size Matters testimony on DOE’s school reopening plan

Sept. 1, 2021 City Council hearings on DOE’s school reopening plan are being held today. Here and embedded below  is the testimony that Class Size Matters will give.

September 1, 2021 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Send in your comments today about DOE’s bogus Contracts for Excellence plan!

The DOE has proposed a Contracts for Excellence spending plan  that is completely inadequate to provide an equitable or adequate education to NYC kids — contrary to the intent of the law, which was passed to fulfill the goals of the CFE lawsuit. The DOE claims that the state has allocated no more funding to […]

August 24, 2021 in Reports & Memos, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Send a letter to Congress about the need for funds to repair, modernize and build new schools!

Aug. 9, 2021 Dear all — 1.       At this point it is uncertain as to whether Congress will include funds for school construction, repair and upgrades in their infrastructure reconciliation package, even though the need for ventilation and social distancing in our classrooms is more critical than ever. The American Society of […]

August 10, 2021 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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School Leadership Teams: How to urge your principal to lower class size (in Eng & Spanish)

August 9, 2021 Below and attached are talking points in English and in Spanish on how parents and teachers directly or through your School Leadership Teams should urge your principal to use available funds to lower class size and to help ensure social distancing next year, for the sake of stronger academic support and health […]

August 9, 2021 in Reports & Memos, Updates by

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