
Why the City Council should vote no on the five-year proposed capital plan for schools

June 29, 2024 The vote is tomorrow at 2 PM.  Feel free to forward to your Council Members.  You can find their contact info here. Full pdf below and here.

June 29, 2024 in Campaigns, Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Resolution for CECs & community groups on need for DOE to lower class size in compliance with the law

Below is a draft resolution for CECs and other community and advocacy organizations to consider passing, urging the DOE to adopt the recommendations in the report of the Class Size Working Group and begin to lower class size in compliance with the class size law. So far,  resolutions urging the DOE to implement plans to […]

December 15, 2023 in Campaigns, Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Make your voice heard on class size and ed tech!

Sept. 17, 2023 A quick but important update on important meetings happening this week and next: 1. Save these dates on class size! The Class Size Working Group that was appointed by the Chancellor to help develop a plan to lower class size citywide in accordance with the new state law is holding public engagement […]

September 19, 2023 in Campaigns, Newsletters by

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Send a message now to City Council: please don’t cut school budgets or the capital plan!

June 14, 2023 Our annual Parent Action Conference on Saturday was a great success, and we will have follow-up information soon with links to some of the presentations and videos. One of the issues we covered was the looming budget cuts to schools. Though the DOE says that schools’ initial school funding for next year […]

June 15, 2023 in Campaigns, Letter Campaigns, Newsletters, Take Action by

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CSM, NYC Kids PAC, CPAC and AQE budget priorities for FY 2024

These  budget priorities can be downloaded in English or in Spanish here.   Class Size Matters/NYC Kids PAC/CPAC/AQE Budget Priorities for FY 2024 Updated May 31, 2023 The Mayor and City Council should prevent any further cuts to schools, and instead restore the budget cuts made to schools in this year’s budget. The DOE says […]

June 4, 2023 in Campaigns, Reports & Memos by

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Call Albany today! Tell your legislators no more charters, zombie or otherwise!

April 25, 2023 It’s crunch time for the budget. We are now getting word from insiders that a budget deal may be finalized soon that would include allowing 22 more “zombie” charter schools above the cap, the number of charters which closed or never opened, which could turn into 66 more charters, due to a […]

April 25, 2023 in Campaigns, Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Budget priorities for FY 2024: Urge the City Council to restore the savage cuts made to school budgets this year

Our  education budget priorities for next year, FY 2024, along with Alliance for Quality Education, NYC Kids PAC and the Chancellor’s Parent  Advisory Council are here and below . They are focused on the need for schools to have their budgets restored and the cuts made this year reversed, and for the capital plan for […]

March 13, 2023 in Campaigns, Reports & Memos, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Why the charter cap should NOT be raised & what should CECs and parents do about this.

Updated March 5, 2023 You can  send an email to your Legislators here, in opposition  to Gov. Hochul’s proposal to lift the NYC charter cap and that instead the charter law needs to be strengthened, to eliminate NYC’s onerous and unfair obligation to provide all new and expanding charter schools with space, remove loopholes which […]

February 18, 2023 in Campaigns, Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Send a message today, urging the Gov & Legislature: Don’t raise the cap on charters; instead repeal NYC’s obligation to give them with space & require more accountability!

Feb. 7, 2023 Last week, Gov. Hochul proposed raising the cap on charter schools so that 100-300 more could be authorized statewide and in NYC, since every new charter school is allowed to expand to all grade levels.  Charters are already costing the city about $3 billion per year, and this could double the cost, […]

February 7, 2023 in Campaigns, Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Urge the DOE, UFT & CSA to create a class size task force now!

Oct. 21, 2022 Dear all: 1. Last spring, the Legislature overwhelming passed a class size bill, S9460/ A10498, requiring that NYC implement a five-year class size reduction plan beginning in the fall of 2022. On Sept. 8, 2022, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed the bill into law,  based upon an agreement that the five-year phase-in period […]

October 21, 2022 in Campaigns, Newsletters by

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