inBloom updates

Letter to NYS Officials Questioning Legality of Providing Confidential Student Data to Corporations

For Immediate Release: October 14, 2012 For more information contact: Norman Siegel: (347) 907-0867; Leonie Haimson: (917) 435-9329; Attorney and Parents Send Letter to NYS Attorney General & Education Officials Questioning Legality of Providing Confidential Student Data to Limited Corporation and Demanding Parental Right to Consent On Sunday, October 14, at a press […]

October 14, 2012 in inBloom updates, Press Releases by

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Rebuttal to DOE’s rationale for eliminating reporting on TCUs and class size

October 11, 2012 The Report and Advisory Board Review Commission, a body with four mayoral appointees and three City Council members, is to vote October 30 on whether to eliminate 21 reporting requirements and advisory boards, including the DOE’s legally mandated reporting on class size and Temporary Classroom Units (or TCUs.) Two laws were passed […]

October 11, 2012 in Reports & Memos by

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The need for the city to retain mandated reporting on class size and TCU’s

The Report and Advisory Board Review Commission, a body with four mayoral appointees and three City Council members, including Speaker Quinn, and Council Members Brewer and Comrie, will hold a public meeting on October 30, 2012, to vote on whether to eliminate 21 reporting requirements and advisory boards, including the DOE’s legally mandated reporting on […]

October 11, 2012 in Testimonies & Comments by

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Testimony of Leonie Haimson before the Cuomo Commission on Education Reform (7.26.12)

On July 26, 2012, Ms. Haimson testified before the Cuomo Commission on Education Reform at Hostos College. For the fifth year in a row, public school parents voted smaller class sizes their top priority in the DOE learning environment surveys. However, NYC public school class sizes have steadily increased, even with increases in state funding. […]

July 30, 2012 in Testimonies & Comments by

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Transparency and Accuracy in Reporting on Class Size Matters and TCUs: Testimony before the Report & Advisory Board Review Commission (5.11.12)

  Leonie Haimson testified before the Report & Advisory Board Review Commission on May 11, 2012 about the need to continue the twice a year  class size and annual Temporary Classroom Units (TCUs) reporting. The testimony is downloadable here and below.   [scribd id=99847950 key=key-u0g278x1gneiseslv6g mode=list]

July 11, 2012 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized by

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Testimony before the City Council Education Committee on the proposal to make Kindergarten mandatory and the special education initiative (6.12.12)

The following testimony on the possible impact of mandatory Kindergarten and the Special Education Initiative from Leonie Haimson, Executive Director of Class Size Matters, was presented before the City Council Education Committee on June 12, 2012. Ms. Haimson first notes the surging class sizes which would erupt from the Department of Education’s  Special Education Initiative […]

July 10, 2012 in Testimonies & Comments by

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The potential impact of mandatory Kindergarten on overcrowding and class size; and how it triggers the need for an accelerated capital plan

Speaker Quinn’s push for mandatory Kindergarten in NYC, now being considered in the NYS Legislature,  is likely to send thousands of new children into a schools system that is already struggling with Kindergarten waiting lists, overcrowding, and increasing class sizes. Our analysis here and below suggests what the impact may be, and proposes that the […]

May 24, 2012 in Benefits of Small Classes, Reports & Memos, Uncategorized by

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Failed strategies for “failing schools”: Testimony before the NYS Assembly Education Committee on the NYC’s Plan for Persistently Low Achieving Schools

Here and below is our testimony before the New York State Assembly on the city’s plan to close and “turnaround” struggling schools, given April 11, 2012. Summary: these strategies will not work, do not address the critical issues, including class size, and will further destabilize and undermine the education of our neediest students.   [scribd […]

May 24, 2012 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized by

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The Mayor’s unfulfilled promises to our children: testimony on the city’s five year capital plan for schools (3.26.12)

Our testimony is posted here and below.  Summary: Thousands of seats are missing from this capital plan to be able to alleviate overcrowding, eliminate trailers, and reduce class size — all of which the Mayor promised to do in earlier years but has utterly failed to achieve.   [scribd id=87885160 key=key-xjgoacyigo7vzzzt60v mode=list]

May 24, 2012 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized by

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City Council hearings and CSM testimony on prelim FY13 education budget; more cuts to schools and larger class sizes next year?

Yesterday the NYC Council Education committee held preliminary hearings on the mayor’s proposed education operating budget.  Here is a good report from NY1, here is the analysis of the budget by Council staff; here is my testimony [also shown below].  The proposed operating budget for next year, despite an overall increase in spending, would cut […]

March 28, 2012 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized by

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