Report: Number of K-3 Students in classes of 30 or more risen sharply since 2011

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NYC Class Size data released; average class sizes still increasing according to DOE

K-3 students in classes of 30 or more have doubled since 2011


November 16, 2015

The NYC Department of Education released the latest class size data as of Oct. 31, 2015, citywide, by borough, district and by school.  According to the DOE’s summary, “Average class size grew by 0.1 from 26.4 students per class in 2015.”  Smaller classes are the top priority of NYC parents to improve their schools according to the DOE’s Learning Environment Survey every year 2007-2014; until 2015, when this question was omitted from the DOE Survey.[1]

DOE officials calculated that elementary and middle school class sizes remained flat, and high school class sizes increased slightly.[2]

Most worrisome, according to our analysis, the number of students in classes of 30 or more increased sharply, especially in grades K-3, continuing the trend of the last few years.[3]


Class Size 2015 k-3 students in classes of 30 or more


According to our calculations, average class size in grades K-3 (General Education classes, inclusion or ICT classes, and Gifted classes) dropped slightly from the year before, but at this rate, it would take 47 years to reach the DOE’s original Contracts for Excellence goal of 19.9 students per class. [4]


2015 Average class size grades 5-3

In grades 4-8, average class size remained at 26.7, the same on average as the year before.

CLass Size 2015 Average class size grades 4-8

In high school core classes, we found that average class size dropped slightly by one tenth of a student per class, from Oct. 31, 2014 to Oct. 31, 2015, but at a rate that it would take 23 years to reach the C4E goal of 24.5 students per class.


class size 2015 average in core HS


By borough, the largest average class sizes for grades K-3 are in Queens (25.7), and in Staten Island for grades 4-8 (28.7) and high school (29.7).


class size 2015 average by borough


Smaller classes are the top priority of NYC parents to improve their schools according to the DOE’s Learning Environment Survey every year 2007-2014; until 2015, when this question was omitted from the DOE Survey.[5]


We also took a look at which schools have the largest class sizes.

The largest Kindergarten classes, all averaging 30 students per class or more,  far above the UFT cap of 25, are at PS 308 Clara Cardwell in D16 Brooklyn (ICT at 33);  PS 181 (ICT at 33) and PS 191 Paul Robeson (GenEd at 31) both in D17 Brooklyn; PS 43 in D27 in Queens (ICT at 31); PS 73 in D9 Bronx (GenEd at 30); PS 57 Crescent in D12 Bronx (ICT at 30); PS 006 in D17 Brooklyn (ICT at 30); and PS 116 in D32 Brooklyn (ICT at 30).


K 16 K308 P.S. 308 CLARA CARDWELL 0K ICT 33.00
K 17 K181 P.S. 181 BROOKLYN 0K ICT 33.00
K 17 K191 P.S. 191 PAUL ROBESON 0K GEN ED 31.00
Q 27 Q043 P.S. 043 0K ICT 31.00
X 09 X073 P.S. 073 BRONX 0K GEN ED 30.00
X 12 X057 P.S. 057 CRESCENT 0K ICT 30.00
K 17 K006 P.S. 006 0K ICT 30.00
K 32 K116 P.S. 116 ELIZABETH L FARRELL 0K ICT 30.00


The largest 1st grade classes, all averaging above 32 students per class  (the UFT cap in this grade), are at PS 305 Dr. Peter Ray in D13 Brooklyn (ICT at 34); PS 193 Alfred J. Kennedy in D25 Queens (GenEd at 34); PS 48 William C. Wilcox (ICT at 33 and GenEd at 32.5) in D 31 Staten Island; Staten Island School of Civic Leadership, D31 Staten Island (ICT at33); PS 19 Judith K. Weiss in D11 Bronx (GenEd at 32.50);  PS 238 Anne Sullivan in D 21 Brooklyn (GenEd at 32.5); PS 54 Charles W. Leng in D31 Staten Island (GenEd at 32.5); PS 100 The Coney Island School in D21 Brooklyn (GenEd at 32.33) and PS 22 Graniteville in D31 Staten Island (GenEd at 32.25).


K 13 K305 P.S. 305 DR. PETER RAY 01 ICT 34.00
Q 25 Q193 P.S. 193 ALFRED J. KENNEDY 01 GEN ED 34.00
R 31 R048 P.S. 048 WILLIAM C. WILCOX 01 ICT 33.00
R 31 R861 Staten Island School of Civic Leadership 01 ICT 33.00
X 11 X019 P.S. 019 JUDITH K. WEISS 01 GEN ED 32.50
K 21 K238 P.S. 238 ANNE SULLIVAN 01 GEN ED 32.50
R 31 R048 P.S. 048 WILLIAM C. WILCOX 01 GEN ED 32.50
R 31 R054 P.S. 054 CHARLES W. LENG 01 GEN ED 32.50
K 21 K100 P.S. 100 CONEY ISLAND SCH 01 GEN ED 32.33
R 31 R022 P.S. 022 GRANITEVILLE 01 GEN ED 32.25


The largest average 2nd grade classesall above the union contractual cap of 32 students per class, are at:  PS 156 Waverly in D23 Brooklyn; (ICT at 35);  PS 100 The Coney Island School in D21 Brooklyn (ICT at 34); IS 119 The Glendale in D24 Queens (ICT at 34); PS 21 Margaret Emery-Elm Park in D31 Staten Island (ICT at 34); PS 2013 The School for Future Leaders in D22 Brooklyn (GenEd at 33.33);  PS 84 Lillian Weber in D3 Manhattan (ICT at 33); PS 282 Park Slope in D13 Brooklyn (ICT at 33); PS 193 Alfred J. Kennedy in D25 Queens (GenEd at 33); PS 46 Alley Pond in D26 Queens (GenDd And ICT at 33); PS 99 Kew Gardens in D28 Queens (ICT at 33); PS 52 D29 Queens (ICT, 33); PS 48 William Wilcox D31 Staten Island (ICT, 33 and GenEd 32.5); PS 53 Bay Terrace, D31 Staten Island (ICT, 33);  Staten Island School of Civic Leadership, Brooklyn (GenEd, 32.33).


K 23 K156 P.S. 156 WAVERLY 02 ICT 35.00
K 21 K100 P.S. 100 THE CONEY ISLAND SCHOOL 02 ICT 34.00
Q 24 Q119 I.S. 119 THE GLENDALE 02 ICT 34.00
R 31 R021 P.S. 21 MARGARET EMERY-ELM PARK 02 ICT 34.00
K 22 K203 P.S. 203 The School for Future Leaders 02 GEN ED 33.33
M 03 M084 P.S. 084 LILLIAN WEBER 02 ICT 33.00
K 13 K282 P.S. 282 PARK SLOPE 02 ICT 33.00
Q 25 Q193 P.S. 193 ALFRED J. KENNEDY 02 GEN ED 33.00
Q 26 Q046 P.S. 046 ALLEY POND 02 GEN ED 33.00
Q 26 Q046 P.S. 046 ALLEY POND 02 ICT 33.00
Q 28 Q099 P.S. 099 KEW GARDENS 02 ICT 33.00
Q 29 Q052 P.S. 052 QUEENS 02 ICT 33.00
R 31 R048 P.S. 048 WILLIAM C. WILCOX 02 ICT 33.00
R 31 R053 P.S. 053 BAY TERRACE 02 G&T 33.00
R 31 R861 Staten Island School of Civic Leadership 02 ICT 33.00
K 22 K255 P.S. 255 BARBARA REING SCHOOL 02 GEN ED 32.67
K 23 K156 P.S. 156 WAVERLY 02 GEN ED 32.67
Q 26 Q162 P.S. 162 JOHN GOLDEN 02 GEN ED 32.67
Q 26 Q188 P.S. 188 KINGSBURY 02 G&T 32.50
R 31 R048 P.S. 048 WILLIAM C. WILCOX 02 GEN ED 32.50
R 31 R861 Staten Island School of Civic Leadership 02 GEN ED 32.50
X 10 X032 P.S. 032 BELMONT 02 GEN ED 32.33
K 20 K229 P.S. 229 DYKER 02 GEN ED 32.33


The largest average 3rd grade classes, all above the union contractual cap of 32, are at PS 21 Philip H. Sheridan in D11 Bronx (GenEd ,34.67); PS 176 Cambria Heights in D29 Queens (G&T at 34.5); The Bellaire School in D29 Queens (GenEd at 33.75); PS 140 Nathan Straus in D1 Manhattan (GenEd at 33); PS 212 Midtown West in D2 Manhattan (ICT at 33); PS 20 P.O. George J. Werdan III in D10 Bronx (GenEd and ICT, 33); Luisa Piñeiro Fuentes School of Science and Discovery in D10 Bronx (GenEd, 33); PS 115 Glen Oaks in D26 in Queens (G&T, 33); and Staten Island School of Civic Leadership, D31 Staten Island (GenEd, 33).


X 11 X021 P.S. 021 Philip H. Sheridan 03 GEN ED 34.67
Q 29 Q176 P.S. 176 CAMBRIA HEIGHTS 03 G&T 34.50
M 01 M140 P.S. 140 NATHAN STRAUS 03 GEN ED 33.00
M 02 M212 P.S. 212 MIDTOWN WEST 03 ICT 33.00
X 10 X020 P.S. 20 P.O.GEORGE J. WERDAN III 03 GEN ED 33.00
X 10 X020 P.S. 20 P.O.GEORGE J. WERDAN III 03 ICT 33.00
X 10 X307 Luisa Piñeiro Fuentes School of Science and Discovery 03 GEN ED 33.00
Q 26 Q115 P.S. 115 GLEN OAKS 03 G&T 33.00
R 31 R861 Staten Island School of Civic Leadership 03 GEN ED 33.00


The largest average 4th grade classes, all far above the UFT cap of 32, are at: PS 221 Toussaint L’Ouverture, in D17 Brooklyn (ICT, 39 and GenEd, 37); PS 96 in D27 Queens (GenEd, 37); PS 195 Manhattan Beach in D22 Brooklyn  (G&T, 36); PS 21 Philip H. Sheridan in D11 Bronx (GenEd, 35.5); PS 9 Teunis Gl Bergen in D13 Brooklyn (ICT, 35); PS 195 Manhattan Beach in D22 Brooklyn (GenEd, 35), and PS 86 in D28 Queens (ICT, 35).


K 17 K221 P.S. 221 Toussaint L’Ouverture 04 ICT 39.00
K 17 K221 P.S. 221 Toussaint L’Ouverture 04 GEN ED 37.00
Q 27 Q096 P.S. 096 04 GEN ED 37.00
K 22 K195 P.S. 195 MANHATTAN B 04 G&T 36.00
X 11 X021 P.S. 021 Philip H. Sheridan 04 GEN ED 35.50
K 13 K009 P.S. 009 TEUNIS G. BERGEN 04 ICT 35.00
K 22 K195 P.S. 195 MANHATTAN BEACH 04 GEN ED 35.00
Q 28 Q086 P.S. Q086 04 ICT 35.00


The largest 5th grade classes, all far above the union cap of 32, are at PS 269 Nostrand in D22 Brooklyn (ICT, 37); PS 20 Port Richmond in D31 Staten Island (GenEd and ICT, 35); PS 133 Fred R. Moore in D5 Manhattan (ICT , 34); PS 20 P.O. George J. Werdan III in D10 Bronx (GenEd 34); PS 26 in D16 Brooklyn, GenEd 34); PS 56 Harry Eichler in D27 Queens (GenEd, 34); PS 144 Col. Jeromus Remsen (GenEd, 34); PS/MS 147 Ronald McNair in D29 Queens ( ICT, 34).


K 22 K269 P.S. 269 NOSTRAND 05 ICT 37.00
R 31 R020 P.S. 020 PORT RICHMOND 05 GEN ED 35.00
R 31 R020 P.S. 020 PORT RICHMOND 05 ICT 35.00
M 05 M133 P.S. 133 FRED R MOORE 05 ICT 34.00
X 10 X020 P.S. 20 P.O.GEORGE J. WERDAN III 05 GEN ED 34.00
K 16 K026 P.S. 026 JESSE OWENS 05 GEN ED 34.00
Q 27 Q056 P.S. 056 HARRY EICHLER 05 GEN ED 34.00
Q 28 Q144 P.S. 144 COL JEROMUS REMSEN 05 GEN ED 34.00
Q 29 Q147 PS/MS 147 Ronald McNair 05 ICT 34.00


According to DOE data, the largest 6th grade classes, all far above the union cap of 33 for non-Title I schools (30 in Title I), are all in the Bronx: the Urban Assembly School for Applied Math and Science in D9 (ICT at 85); Antonia Pantoja Preparatory Academy: A College Board School in D11 (ICT, 57); Pelham Academy Of Academics And Community Engagement in D11 (GenEd, 37.5);  and MS 180 Dr. Daniel Hale Williams in D11 (ICT, 35).


X 09 X241 Urban Assembly School for Applied Math and Science, The 06 ICT 85.00
X 08 X376 Antonia Pantoja Preparatory Academy: A College Board School 06 ICT 57.00
X 11 X180 M.S. 180 Dr. Daniel Hale Williams 06 ICT 35.00


The largest 7th grade classes, all far above the UFT cap of 33 for non-Title I schools (30 in Title I) are:  Antonia Pantoja Preparatory Academy: A College Board School (D8 Bronx (ICT, 73); Urban Assembly School for Applied Math and Science in D9 Bronx (ICT, 69); Robert F. Wagner, Jr. Secondary School for Arts and Technology in D24 Queens (GenEd, 42); Mark Twain I.S. 239 For The Gifted & Talented in D21 Brooklyn (ICT, 39.5); Creston Academy in D10 Bronx (ICT, 35.5); Conselyea Preparatory School in D14 Brooklyn (GenEd, 35.25); and PS 171 Patrick Henry in D4 Manhattan (GenEd,35).


X 08 X376 Antonia Pantoja Preparatory Academy: A College Board School 07 ICT 73.00
X 09 X241 Urban Assembly School for Applied Math and Science, The 07 ICT 69.00
Q 24 Q560 Robert F. Wagner, Jr. Secondary School for Arts and Technology 07 GEN ED 42.00
X 10 X447 CRESTON ACADEMY 07 ICT 35.50
M 04 M171 P.S. 171 PATRICK HENRY 07 GEN ED 35.00


The schools with the largest 8th grade class sizes, according to DOE data, are Antonia Pantoja Preparatory Academy: A College Board School (ICT, 72); Robert F. Wagner, Jr. Secondary School for Arts and Technology in D24 Queens (GenEd, 54); MS 301 Paul L. Dunbar in D8 Bronx (GenEd, 36); Conselyea Preparatory School in D14 Brooklyn (ICT, 36); and MS 180 Dr. Daniel Hale Williams in D11 Bronx (ICT, 35).


X 08 X376 Antonia Pantoja Preparatory Academy: A College Board School 08 ICT 72.00
Q 24 Q560 Robert F. Wagner, Jr. Secondary School for Arts and Technology 08 GEN ED 54.00
X 08 X301 M.S. 301 PAUL L. DUNBAR 08 GEN ED 36.00
X 11 X180 M.S. 180 Dr. Daniel Hale Williams 08 ICT 35.00


There are 73 NYC high schools, according to DOE data, that have programs/courses that average above the UFT cap of 34.


The schools with the largest average class sizes of 40 or more in various courses include the NYC iSchool in Manhattan, Sheepshead Bay HS in Brooklyn; Curtis HS in Staten Island; Crotona International High School in the Bronx; and Bayside HS in Queens.


M 02 M376 NYC iSchool 09-12 ICT United States History Accelerated 70.00
M 02 M376 NYC iSchool 09-12 ICT MS English Core 62.50
M 02 M376 NYC iSchool 09-12 GEN ED Algebra 2/Trig 59.50
M 02 M376 NYC iSchool 09-12 ICT Other Science 59.00
M 02 M376 NYC iSchool 09-12 GEN ED Integrated Algebra 58.00
M 02 M376 NYC iSchool 09-12 GEN ED Chemistry 56.00
K 22 K495 SHEEPSHEAD BAY HIGH SCHOOL 09-12 GEN ED Integrated Algebra 55.00
M 02 M376 NYC iSchool 09-12 GEN ED Geometry 53.50
R 31 R450 CURTIS HIGH SCHOOL 09-12 ICT MS English Core 50.00
M 02 M376 NYC iSchool 09-12 GEN ED Other Science 48.00
M 02 M376 NYC iSchool 09-12 GEN ED Global History 47.50
X 10 X524 Crotona International High School 09-12 GEN ED Other Science 46.50
M 02 M376 NYC iSchool 09-12 GEN ED Economics 43.00
M 02Nov M376 NYC iSchool 09-12 ICT Global History 42.00
Q 26 Q495 BAYSIDE HIGH SCHOOL 09-12 ICT Other Social Studies 41.79
K 22 K495 SHEEPSHEAD BAY HIGH SCHOOL 09-12 GEN ED English 9 40.00




[1] See NYC Public School Parents, “How the question left out of the DOE parent survey was the most interesting of all ,” July 21, 2015 at: More on the results of the parent survey and the question left out, see Lisa Colangelo,  “95% of parents satisfied with NYC schools, but few take survey,” NY Daily News, July 21, 2015; Yasmeen Khan, “NYC Parents, Teachers and Students Give Their Schools High Marks”, Schoolbook, July 21, 2015.

[2] NYC DOE, 2015-16 Preliminary Class Size Report, November 15, 2015 at This year’s class size data, by school, district, borough, and citywide, are posted at  All our calculations are done by comparing the reported October 30 class size data , released each year on November 15, from year to year.

[3] In 2011, the DOE stopped complying with a side agreement with the UFT to cap class sizes at 28 in grades 1-3, leading to sharp increases in these grades to 30 or more.

[4] The original Contract for Excellence goals adopted by the city and approved by the state in 2007 are posted here:  During his campaign, Mayor de Blasio promised to reduce class sizes to C4E levels and if necessary, raise revenue to fund this.  See his filled out and signed form from the Mayoral forum at Murry Bergtraum HS held on June 14, 2013 at  and the completed  NYC KidsPAC candidate survey filled out by de Blasio’s campaign manager Emma Wolfe at from June 2013.

[5] See NYC Public School Parents, “How the question left out of the DOE parent survey was the most interesting of all ,”, July 21, 2015 at: More on the results of the parent survey and the question left out, see Lisa Colangelo,  “95% of parents satisfied with NYC schools, but few take survey,” NY Daily News, July 21, 2015; Yasmeen Khan, “NYC Parents, Teachers and Students Give Their Schools High Marks”, Schoolbook, July 21, 2015.


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