Update on the state budget, online forum on how to prevent your child’s data being sold, and more!

April 22, 2024

Dear all —

The State budget was finalized on Friday, and to the disappointment of many, it extended Mayoral control for another two years. This occurred due to the insistence of the Governor, and despite the express wishes of many Legislators, who had said that this important issue needed careful consideration and should not be squeezed into the budget with the sort political horse-trading that this process always involves. This was especially true, given how a 500-page report commissioned by NYSED proposing fundamental changes to the system had only been released 11 days before.

The state budget also included language to attempt to ensure that the Mayor allocates sufficient funding so that class sizes are reduced to the levels required in the law, and obligates him to increase the capital budget by $2 billion to create more classroom space.   I have written about both these issues, as well as other aspects of the budget deal, if you’d like to take a look here.

In any case, the clock starts now on the DOE’s release of an updated class size plan and the scheduling of borough and CEC hearings on that plan, which now must begin by May 20 and be completed by June 20. Notice of these hearings must be posted on the DOE website by May 6. Once we have more information as to what their updated plan does and does not include, as well as hearing dates and locations, we will let you know.

2. In February, the NY State Attorney General Tish James signed a consent decree with the College Board, prohibiting them from selling personal student data that they collect from public school students via exams given in their schools. We had been advocating for many years for this illegal practice to be stopped.   If you’d like to learn more about this issue, including how you can help make sure that your child’s AP, PSAT, SAT scores are not sold on the open market, please sign up for our online forum to be held on Monday May 6 at 8 PM ET:

Online Forum: No More Student Data Sales!

WHEN: Monday, May 06, 2024 at 8pm ET

WHERE: Online via Zoom: register here: bit.ly/5_6_24_webinar

Co-sponsored by Class Size Matters, the Parent Coalition for Student Privacy, and Illinois Families for Public Schools.

3. Finally, save the date! On Saturday, May 11, starting at 10:30 AM, Class Size Matters will be holding our Annual Parent Action Conference via Zoom, co-sponsored by NYC Kids PAC, with keynote speakers and workshops on a wide range of issues important to parents, including class size, special education, how to protect yourself against ACS, the new literacy curricula, and more. More info and a sign-up link soon.

Hope to see you on May 6 and May 11!

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