
The DOE’s nothing-burger class size plan; please sign up now to speak at public hearings!

May 22, 2023 On Friday, DOE posted what is purported to be their draft five- year class size reduction plan, in accordance with the new state law. As I was quoted in the Daily News, “It’s a big nothing burger. There is no plan. They’re hoping just to coast on enrollment decline until it’s too […]

May 22, 2023 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Important events coming up soon, & news on state & city budget

May 15, 2023 Save the date! Our annual Parent Action Conference co-sponsored with NYC Kids PAC will be held Saturday June 10, starting at 9:30 AM at Seward Park Complex downtown at 350 Grand Street. There will be lots of fascinating panel discussions and workshops on a variety of topics, as well as breakfast and […]

May 17, 2023 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Call Albany today! Tell your legislators no more charters, zombie or otherwise!

April 25, 2023 It’s crunch time for the budget. We are now getting word from insiders that a budget deal may be finalized soon that would include allowing 22 more “zombie” charter schools above the cap, the number of charters which closed or never opened, which could turn into 66 more charters, due to a […]

April 25, 2023 in Campaigns, Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Tell DOE & PEP NO! on cutting 22,000 funded school seats out of the capital plan

Corrected link to Feb. capital plan and Michelle Joseph’s email address below.  I have also added the email of another PEP member  Lily Chan. Unfortunately, eight out of 23 PEP members still do not have their email addresses posted on the DOE website.  Please also speak at tomorrow’s PEP meeting if you can about the […]

April 17, 2023 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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State & city budget update, and how you can help prevent further cuts to our schools!!

April 12, 2023 Dear all: The state budget is now nearly two weeks overdue, with negotiations showing little evident progress so far. As a result, Gov. Hochul’s controversial proposal to raise the NYC charter cap is still up in the air, that the city says would cost another $1.3 billion, over and above $3 billion […]

April 12, 2023 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Our critique of the DOE preliminary budget & the capital plan & what should be done instead

March 17, 2023 Hearings were held on Wed. before the Education committee of the City Council on the DOE preliminary budget and the Feb. amendment to the capital plan.  During the hearings, the DOE admitted that they plan to cut school budgets even more next year, though they wouldn’t say by how much.  Instead, the […]

March 17, 2023 in Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Budget priorities for FY 2024: Urge the City Council to restore the savage cuts made to school budgets this year

Our  education budget priorities for next year, FY 2024, along with Alliance for Quality Education, NYC Kids PAC and the Chancellor’s Parent  Advisory Council are here and below . They are focused on the need for schools to have their budgets restored and the cuts made this year reversed, and for the capital plan for […]

March 13, 2023 in Campaigns, Reports & Memos, Uncategorized, Updates by

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New proposed capital plan cuts $2.3B for new school seats compared to plan adopted in 2021

March 5, 2023 The new proposed amendment to the 5-year capital plan for schools was recently released; you can check it out here. Compared to the capital plan adopted in June 2021, the DOE/SCA wants to cut the number of new school seats to be built by 38% — or over 21,000.  This is inconceivable […]

March 5, 2023 in Reports & Memos, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Why the charter cap should NOT be raised & what should CECs and parents do about this.

Updated March 5, 2023 You can  send an email to your Legislators here, in opposition  to Gov. Hochul’s proposal to lift the NYC charter cap and that instead the charter law needs to be strengthened, to eliminate NYC’s onerous and unfair obligation to provide all new and expanding charter schools with space, remove loopholes which […]

February 18, 2023 in Campaigns, Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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What the Chancellor said on class size and raising the charter cap

Feb. 15, 2023 1. Last week, state education budget hearings were held, where many groups, advocates and organizations inveighed against the Governor’s proposal to expand the cap on charter schools. Chancellor Banks also testified and was non-committal, saying it was up to the Mayor weigh in, But under questioning from Sen. Liz Krueger, he admitted […]

February 15, 2023 in Newsletters, Updates by

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