
Press Release: Class size averages drop slightly this fall in grades K-3 and 4th-8th, but grow in HS At least 367,794 students remain in classes of 30 or more

For immediate release: November 18, 2014 For more information contact: Leonie Haimson, 917-435-9329, Josey Bartlett, (718) 803-6373 x 202,    Class size averages drop slightly this fall in grades K-3 and 4th-8th, but grow in HS At least 367,794 students remain in classes of 30 or more   Late Friday, the DOE released class size […]

November 18, 2014 in Media, Press Releases, Updates by

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Testimony of Karen Sprowal before the NYC Council Education Committee on the negative impact of excessive class sizes on students with disabilities

Below is the testimony of Karen Sprowal before the NYC Council Education Committee on the negative impact of excessive class sizes on student with disabilities

October 31, 2014 in Reports, Testimonies, Etc., Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Negative Impact of charter proliferation on Harlem’s District 5 public schools

Here is the powerpoint I presented on Oct. 8, 2014 to Community Education Council 5 on the negative impact of the proliferating charters on their public schools.

October 14, 2014 in Presentations, Updates by

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2014-15 Presentations on C4E plan for CECs

This year the DOE is holding hearings about the Contracts for Excellence (C4E) plan for each district’s Community Education Council (CEC). We have been invited to CEC meetings to give a presentation on  how the C4E plan violates the language and intent of the law. Find the presentation including specific class size and school utilization data for your […]

October 9, 2014 in Presentations, Updates by

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New 2015-2019 Capital Plan Briefing- Citywide

This is a briefing about the unmet need for seats citywide proposed in the new 2015-2019 proposed capital plan. Download in Powerpoint here: Citywide Capital Plan Briefing

October 1, 2014 in Presentations, Updates by

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73 Education professors urge the Chancellor and the Mayor to reduce class size

At the Community Education Council meeting on Sept. 22, 2014, Prof. Mark Lauterbach of Brooklyn College read a letter from 73 professors of education and psychology, urging Chancellor Farina to reduce class size as part of the city’s Contract for Excellence plan.  The letter points out that early education does not end at the age […]

September 24, 2014 in Reports, Testimonies, Etc., Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Parent Organizing Toolkit 2014

Parents are the “sleeping giant” in the fight to preserve our public schools, according to Diane Ravitch; time to wake up! To help explain how to get started, below is a powerpoint that gives parents the information and tools necessary to network and advocate on important issues. Read here or click on this pdf .

August 27, 2014 in Presentations, Reports, Testimonies, Etc., Updates by

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2014-15 Class Size and Overcrowding in All 32 New York City School Districts

Below see Power points revealing worsening class size and school overcrowding crisis for each of the NYC school districts. Data sources: DOE class size data for 2013-2014, SCA Blue Book Report &  Enrollment Projections for 2011-2021, housing start data,   Kindergarten wait list numbers, TCU Report,  FY 2015-2019 Capital Plan. Please find your district below by […]

July 16, 2014 in Presentations, Reports, Testimonies, Etc., Uncategorized, Updates by

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Resolution on Class size and School Overcrowding

Updated Sept. 16, 2014 Several Community Education Councils have already passed this resolution, including CECs D2, D25, D26 and D28.  Please consider this  for your CEC, Community Board, PTA or other parent/community group. If you have already passed it,  please send it to the Mayor at , the Chancellor at, and your City […]

July 10, 2014 in Updates by

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Please attend class size hearings starting this week and make your voices heard!

As the result of a lawsuit, DOE is holding borough hearings starting Tuesday this week on their useof $531 million in annual Contract for Excellence state funds. A flyer you can post in your school is here.  Places and times are below. These funds were approved with the requirement that NYC submit a plan to […]

June 17, 2014 in Updates by

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