Testimony at Common Core Task Force Hearing
Out comments to the 2015 Common Core Task Force Hearing on November 6, 2015 and can be read here.
Out comments to the 2015 Common Core Task Force Hearing on November 6, 2015 and can be read here.
October 23, 2015 Dear Friend, I wanted to update you on our citywide conference on Nov. 7 at PS 133 in Brooklyn, where we will develop an action agenda for the NYC public schools. Two new speakers have confirmed: Public Advocate Letitia James and City Council Education Chair Danny Dromm. They will let us know […]
The public can submit questions and comments to [email protected] on the city’s failure to reduce class size until Nov. 6, 2015. You can also ask questions and comment at the October CEC meetings that are posted here. You can check out our comments submitted over the summer on the DOE’s proposed plan, or ask the […]
Tonight, Class Size Matters will be speaking at the Flushing HS receivership hearings, and tomorrow morning at the Grover Cleveland HS hearings. It is a travesty that 66% of the struggling schools on the State receivership list and 57% of the schools on the City’s renewal list continue to suffer from class sizes of 30 […]
Please Take and share our Class Size Survey below. You can also take it by clicking here. Loading…
August 28, 2015 Dear Friends, A few quick links I wanted to share with you. Last week, I wrote an op-ed with Jeanette Deutermann of Long Island Opt for City and State about why an estimated 225,000 NY parents chose to have their children refuse the state exams last year. Despite the rash of editorials excoriating parents for […]
August 17, 2015 Dear Friends, I wanted to bring to your attention to a piece I wrote in today’s Gotham Gazette, that puts the recent credit recovery scandals in context and proposes an alternative vision for NYC struggling schools. Please take a look and let me know what you think! Saturday was the deadline for comments […]
July 31, 2015 Yesterday, in the middle of summer, the DOE finally released the recommendations of its own Blue Book working group, recommendations which had been finalized last December, according to several reliable sources. (Chalkbeat wrongly reports the date as March.) See also Schoolbook, WNYC radio and DNAinfo, for more information on the recommendations — […]
On June 15, 2015 Public Advocate Letitia James, 22 Council Members, many parent leaders and Presidents of Community Education Councils, along with Class Size Matters and the UFT, sent a letter to the Chancellor and the Mayor, urging them to double the seats in the capital plan for school construction, and appoint a Commission to […]
See our fact sheet on school overcrowding and the capital plan below. Click on the link to download.