
Update: Fact Sheet on School Overcrowding and the Capital Plan

See our fact sheet on school overcrowding and the capital plan below. Click on the link to download.

May 29, 2015 in Updates by

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Update: 5/18/15 Testimony of Leonie Haimson before the NYC Council On the FY 16 executive budget and the deficiencies of the school capital plan

May 19, 2015 in Reports, Testimonies, Etc., Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Updates on opt out and NYC KidsPAC releases Mayor de Blasio’s education report card

April 20, 2015 Dear Friends, As you may have heard, a huge number of kids opted out of the ELA exams last week throughout NY State; the unofficial count so far is more than 183,000 with 72% of districts reporting. Many teachers reported difficult, confusing reading passages on our blog with ambiguous questions, sometimes many […]

April 21, 2015 in Newsletters, Updates by

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[Video] NYC KidsPAC Press Conference: Mayor Bill De Blasio Education Report Card

April 21, 2015 in Media, Updates, Videos by

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Mayor de Blasio’s Education Report Card

For immediate release: April 19, 2015   Contact: Shino Tanikawa, 917-770-8438, shinot@verizon.net Leonie Haimson, 917-435-9329, leonie@classsizematters.org   Parents and Advocates release Education report card for Mayor de Blasio Grades range from As to Fs in many crucial areas   Today, Sunday April 19 at noon, in front of the Department of Education headquarters at Tweed, […]

April 19, 2015 in Press Releases, Updates by

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[EVENT] Mayor de Blasio’s Education Report Card by KidsPAC

April 17, 2015 in Events, Updates by

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Leonie Haimson on NY1 Inside City Hall

Click on the link below to watch Leonie Haimson on NY1 Inside City Hall with an education panel discussion on the Common Core. http://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/inside-city-hall/2015/04/16/ny1-online–education-panel-debates-common-core.html

April 17, 2015 in Media, Updates, Videos by

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Leonie on BK Live about NYS School Test Opt Out

Watch the video below for my discussion on To the Point on BK live about why parents are opting out of NYS standardized tests.

April 17, 2015 in Media, Updates, Videos by

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Historic opt out levels, media today & join us Sunday to give a report card to the Mayor!

April 16, 2015 Dear Friends, 1. Today (Thursday, April 16, 2015) I’ll be on the national public radio show, To The Point at 2PM EST & Inside City Hall on NY1 at 7 & 10 PM EST talking about testing and opting out. Please listen and watch! 2. This week, the opt-out movement reached historic levels across the […]

April 16, 2015 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Flawed state budget bill gives parents more reasons to opt out

April 2, 2015 Dear Friend, 1. On Tuesday night, a state budget bill was approved that doubles down on high-stakes testing and removes any local input– with student “growth scores” on the state exams linked to teacher ratings in a uniform evaluation system. Teachers must do well in terms of student scores to achieve an […]

April 2, 2015 in Newsletters, Updates by

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