Press Releases

Parent sues City Hall for refusing to release unredacted decision memo on class size

This media release is also available here.   For immediate release: July 17, 2018 For more information contact: Leonie Haimson;; 917-435-9329.   On Monday, July 16, 2018, Brooke Parker, a NYC public school parent, filed a lawsuit against the Office of the Mayor of the City of New York, challenging the almost complete redaction […]

July 17, 2018 in Press Releases, Updates by

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Testimony on the impact of expanded Pre-K on school overcrowding

Below is the testimony Leonie Haimson gave at the City Council’s hearing on pre-Kindergarten, held on June 27, 2018. A PDF version is available here. Testimony at City Council Oversight Hearings of General Welfare and Education Committees on the Implementation of UPK and 3K Expansion June 27, 2018 Good afternoon, and thank you for allowing me […]

June 27, 2018 in Reports, Testimonies, Etc., Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Update: please send letter to NYC Chancellor, Eva and PS 25 controversy, admissions at selective HS & & Skinny recap

It’s the end of the school year, but not the end of our battle to save PS 25, a great school in Brooklyn that the previous Chancellor tried to close. Even though the court has placed a temporary restraining order against closing the school for at least another year, we would really like our new […]

June 27, 2018 in Newsletters, Recent Newsletters, Updates by

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CPAC Presentation on Legal Challenges to NYC Class Sizes and School Overcrowding

Here’s the presentation Leonie Haimson gave to the Chancellor’s Parental Advisory Council on June 14, 2018.

June 25, 2018 in Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Testimony at NYSED Forum on Student Privacy

Below is the testimony Class Size Matters gave at the New York State Education Department Student Forum on developing regulations implementing New York’s student data privacy law, Education Law §2-d. It is also available as a pdf here.     Testimony at NYSED Student Forum to develop regulations implementing New York’s student data privacy law, Education Law […]

June 21, 2018 in Reports, Testimonies, Etc., Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Last chance to reserve your seat for our Skinny dinner & to urge NYSED to strengthen its enforcement of student privacy protections!

1. Our annual Skinny award dinner is only a few days away, on Tuesday June 19. Please buy your ticket today to ensure your seat at one of the most fun events of the year, to support Class Size Matters going forward, and to honor our awardees, Council Member Danny Dromm, Norm Scott and Fred […]

June 18, 2018 in Newsletters, Recent Newsletters, Updates by

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Get your Skinny tickets now! and upcoming events on class size, privacy and more

1. Our annual Skinny award dinner is only a week away on Tuesday, June 19 at 6 PM. Get your tickets now! It’s always one of the most delightful nights of the year. More info on the awardees, including Council Member Dromm, Norm Scott, Fred Smith and a mystery awardee here. 2.  There are only four more student […]

June 12, 2018 in Newsletters, Recent Newsletters, Updates by

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Please reserve your seat now for our June 19 Skinny award dinner!

Please reserve your seat now for our Annual Skinny Award dinner on Tuesday June 19. We will be honoring four tremendous individuals who have given us the “real skinny” on NYC public schools: Council Member Danny Dromm, Chair of the Finance Committee & former Education Chair Norm Scott, retired teacher and blogger/videographer extraordinaire Fred Smith, testing expert and critic […]

June 1, 2018 in Newsletters, Recent Newsletters, Updates by

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Save the date for the Skinnies! & our win yesterday in court to save PS 25!

1. Please save the date for our annual Skinny awards, which will be held this year on Tuesday, June 19. We will be honoring some very special people and you don’t want to miss it! It’s always one of our most joyous annual events, in which we celebrate our wins and gain strength for the battles […]

May 25, 2018 in Newsletters, Recent Newsletters, Updates by

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Appealing the DOE’s 2 Year Delay Responding to FOIL Requests

The Department of Education has delayed responding to several of my FOIL requests for years. Below is an appeal I filed to make the DOE follow the law and meet the request for information.

May 22, 2018 in Reports & Memos, Updates by

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