
Class Size & Overcrowding Citywide and in District 6

Class size and overcrowding citywide and in District 6.  Presented to CEC 6 on Dec. 3, 2018.

December 4, 2018 in Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Reform the School Planning Process!

Please send a letter to the new City Council Charter Revision Committee to propose that the school planning process be reformed. There is a need to reform the city’s planning process, so that sufficient new schools are built along with development – and not years afterwards, as now occurs in our dysfunctional system. If you agree, […]

November 27, 2018 in Campaigns, Updates by

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Two simple steps to support our work for small classes and address the crisis of school overcrowding

November 27, 2018 Today is #GivingTuesday, and I hope you will consider giving to Class Size Matters, the only organization in the city, the state and the nation focused on providing information on the proven benefits of class size reduction and advocating for smaller classes in the public schools.  The NY Times called us “city’s […]

November 27, 2018 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Ask the Mayor and Chancellor to stop violating student privacy now!

Send a letter to the Mayor and Chancellor asking them to stop violating student privacy by making personal information available to charter schools for marketing purposes. Last fall, parent leader and CEC President Johanna Garcia filed a FERPA complaint with the federal government about the DOE’s practice of allowing charter schools to access her child’s […]

November 10, 2018 in Campaigns, Updates by

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News update on elections, federal investigation into DOE’s violation of student privacy and proposed capital plan – and how you can help!

November 9, 2018 Much has happened since we last spoke. Tuesday’s elections will lead to a real sea-change in the NY State politics.  We will be reaching out to the Assembly and the newly elected Democratic majority in the State Senate with proposals on how to ensure more accountability for charter schools and to reform […]

November 10, 2018 in Newsletters, Updates by

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The Renewal school program RIP & what could have saved it

The NY Times front-page article by Eliza Shapiro about the disappointing results at the Renewal schools is here.  I have written and testified about the deeply flawed strategies used in these schools since at least 2015, advocating that instead, DOE should be reducing class sizes in these schools, as they have promised the NY State […]

October 26, 2018 in State Class Size Programs, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Elected and parent leaders urge the Mayor to fully fund need for school seats in soon-to-be released capital plan

For immediate release: October 26, 2018 Contact: Leonie Haimson, 917-435-9329;   Elected and parent leaders urge the Mayor to fully fund need for school seats in soon-to-be released capital plan They warn that school overcrowding will worsen without a focused effort to expand capacity The new five-year capital plan for schools for 2020-2024 is […]

October 26, 2018 in overcrowding, Press Releases, Uncategorized, Updates by

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School overcrowding: why the DOE should fully fund the need for school seats in the new capital plan

Here is the presentation on school overcrowding and the need to fully fund the need for seats that we gave to the Chancellors Parent Advisory Council on Oct. 11, 2018.  If you’d like to request Class Size Matters to brief your CEC, Presidents Council or parent association with more district-specific data, please email us at […]

October 16, 2018 in Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Send a letter to the Mayor & Chancellor to end school overcrowding now!

Sept. 24, 2018 The next five-year capital plan for schools will be introduced sometime in the next two months. In May 2016, Mayor de Blasio promised that he would fully fund the capacity portion of the new plan, to alleviate current overcrowding and address future enrollment growth. Based upon a Nov. 2017 estimate, this meant […]

September 24, 2018 in Campaigns, Recent Newsletters, Take Action, Updates by

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Welcome to a new school year, and please take our 5-minute survey!

September 6, 2018 Welcome back to a new school year! The good news in NYC is that we finally have a Chancellor, Richard Carranza, who is progressive and believes in the importance of class size. The bad news is that neither he nor the mayor have put in place any specific programs or incentives to […]

September 6, 2018 in Recent Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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