Testimonies & Comments

Testimony on education budget and capital plan

The following is my written testimony on the education budget and five-year capital plan, detailing the additional staffing and space that will be needed for schools to reopen safely next year. Smaller class sizes are always of concern, but are especially critical now given the need for social distancing in light of the COVID-19 crisis. […]

May 28, 2020 in Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Why schools should not be reopened next year without reducing class size

The need to reduce class size next fall to improve health and safety and strengthen academic and emotional support and how this could be achieved through budget savings Download the PDF version here. Shorter version in the Gotham Gazette, “To Reopen Schools, The Mayor Needs Smaller Classes — Here’s $570 Million in Potential Department of […]

May 14, 2020 in Reports & Memos, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Please help us protect our students rather than the bank accounts of billionaires!

Dear Friends– 1.       I had a piece in the Gotham Gazette yesterday that explains how schools should not reopen next fall without a plan to reduce class size, to provide both the social distancing necessary for health and safety and the academic and emotional support that students will need to make up for the […]

May 13, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Update on Panel meeting, Mulgrew on my radio show tomorrow, Cuomo and Bill Gates, and more

Dear Friends — A quick note to update you on a few issues: 1- In my previous email, I had the wrong date for this week’s meeting of the Panel for Educational Policy when a bunch of highly questionable, potentially wasteful contracts will be voted upon – it is Thursday May 7 at 6 PM.   DOE’s […]

May 6, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Update on busing contracts, my birthday request, and interview with Michael Mulgrew next week

Dear Friends, 1. On Wed., the Panel for Educational Policy was scheduled to meet and vote on several huge contracts, including school busing for $200 million for March and another $200 million for April, though all buses have been idle since mid-March. The DOE had told Panel members they were legally obligated to pay 85% of […]

May 1, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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“Cut Contracts, Save our Schools” – speak out against DOE waste & abuse

April 28, 2020 Yesterday there was an emergency press conference to protest the DOE’s $827 million proposed cuts to education and to urge that they cut contracts and unnecessary spending on bureaucracy instead. A video of this press conference featuring parent leaders, teachers, advocates, and elected officials, is posted on our blog, along with a press release and […]

April 28, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Emergency press conference on Monday to fight $825 million cuts to schools

Please join us via Zoom on Monday, April 27 at 3 PM to fight the Mayor’s $825 million cuts to schools by cutting contracts and other unnecessary spending instead.  RSVP here or at http://tiny.cc/6pdrnz  

April 25, 2020 in Campaigns, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Millions in unnecessary spending by DOE while they’re cutting school budgets

Dear Friends, 1. A week ago, I looked at the DOE contracts that the Panel for Educational Policy were being asked to vote on at their monthly meeting, scheduled for tonight. The list included hundreds of millions of dollars in spending, including $200 million to pay for busing services in March, with an automatic extension of another […]

April 23, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Important update on Regents exams, state budget, the cancellation of Zoom, and more!

Dear Friends, 1.First, some good news to report! The Board of Regents announced yesterday that the Regents exams due to take place this spring are cancelled. Today they put out guidance that any student who would have needed to pass any Regents exams to graduate in June can be issued a diploma without taking them. More details in […]

April 7, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Please take action NOW on the state budget & cancelling Regents exams!

Dear Friends, 1 -Sadly, it looks like the state budget that was just voted on by the NY Senate will freeze education funding for next year, which given increased costs will be experienced in many schools and districts like a cut. Please call your Assemblymembers now and ask them to vote no on the education budget, […]

April 2, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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