
Please take action NOW on the state budget & cancelling Regents exams!

Dear Friends, 1 -Sadly, it looks like the state budget that was just voted on by the NY Senate will freeze education funding for next year, which given increased costs will be experienced in many schools and districts like a cut. Please call your Assemblymembers now and ask them to vote no on the education budget, […]

April 2, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Take action now! urge NY legislators not to cut education funding for next year!

Please contact your legislators now, urging them NOT to cut education funding next year as Gov. Cuomo threatens to do,  by clicking here. Our full legislative agenda is below.

March 30, 2020 in Campaigns, Letter Campaigns, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Please help stop looming budget cuts to schools!

March 29, 2020 Dear folks:  Hope you and your families are figuring out how to cope with all the new restrictions on life as we used to live it, as well as the new regime of remote learning – if that’s what your child’s school is trying to do. 1. Meanwhile, NY Governor Cuomo has […]

March 29, 2020 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Some advice and guidance for the week ahead

March 22, 2020 Dear all: A lot of news to catch up on.  Tomorrow starts remote learning for NYC public school students.  If you don’t have an online device, the Chancellor said on Friday that you can pick up written packets of suggested homework at the 400 school sites distributing food.  [UPDATE: apparently these packets […]

March 23, 2020 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Important update on just-announced NYC school closings and other important developments

March 15, 2020 After several weeks of resistance, Mayor de Blasio just announced that starting tomorrow, Monday March 16, NYC public schools will be closed, and will remain closed until at least April 20, to stem the rapid spread of coronavirus.  For the next week, schools will be open only as a place for parents […]

March 15, 2020 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Call and email the Speaker & your Council Member on class size!

Class Size Matters and other groups are urging the City Council to allocate $100 million towards class size reduction in next year’s education budget. Please call the Speaker’s office  with this message: “As a parent [or teacher, or concerned citizen], I urge the Speaker to  fight for $100 million to be targeted towards reducing class […]

March 10, 2020 in Campaigns, Updates by

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2 ways to help ensure NYC schools get smaller classes

Dear all, The February 28 hearings on class size were so overcrowded that many people who came did not even get in the room or have a chance to testify. Many others were unable to attend because of other reasons. But I wanted to let you know that you will have a second chance. On […]

March 10, 2020 in Newsletters, Updates by

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Videos of parents, teachers and students testifying about the importance of reducing class size

On Friday, Feb. 28, 2020, parents, students, educators and advocates testified on the importance of reducing class size at City Hall hearings of the NYC Education Committee, chaired by Council Member Mark Treyger. Below are videos and links to written statements of some of these testimonies.  The full  unedited video of the hearings is here. […]

March 5, 2020 in Media, Testimonies & Comments, Updates, Videos by

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Testimony on the importance of lowering class size in NYC schools

A pdf of this testimony is posted here; a video of my abbreviated remarks is here. Leonie Haimson’s Testimony before the NYC Council Education Committee on the Need to Reduce Class Size in the NYC Public Schools Feb. 28, 2020 Thank you Chair Treyger for holding these important hearings today on a subject that is […]

March 5, 2020 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Must see video: Regent Kathy Cashin and City Council Education chair Mark Treyger on the importance of class size

See the video of Regent Kathleen Cashin’s observations about class size which she made during the City Council hearings on Feb. 28 about what happened when she lowered class size in the District 23 schools when she was Superintendent. As she puts it, when you reduce class size, the “whole world changes.”  She explained how […]

March 3, 2020 in Media, Updates, Videos by

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