
Please urge your legislators to require NYC to lower class size via the state budget!

See the letter below, sent today to NY state legislators from Class Size Matters, the Alliance for Quality Education, the Education Law Center and NYC Kids PAC, urging them to require NYC to lower class size  in their one-house budgets, so that the additional state funding our schools are due to receive will be invested […]

February 14, 2022 in Campaigns, Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Tomorrow is the deadline for comments on urging the Office of Civil Rights to collect data on class size

Feb. 10, 2022 Accurate data on class size is nearly impossible to find in many districts across the country.  The Office of Civil Rights of the US Dept. of Education is asking the public what additional data they should collect, with a deadline of tomorrow Friday Feb. 11 at 5 PM. If you’d like to […]

February 10, 2022 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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State budget testimony on class size and the broken Contracts for Excellence program

January 26, 2022 Today the state budget hearings are being held for education.  Below are the testimonies submitted by Class Size Matters and the Education Law Center, mostly focused on class size. Clearly the Contracts for Excellence process is broken, with non-compliance by DOE and lax enforcement by the State Education Department.  This probably needs […]

January 26, 2022 in Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Letter from CSM, Education Law Center & AQE to DOE & NYSED about their inadequate C4E plan

January 13, 2022 Check out the letter below from the Education Law Center, Alliance for Quality Education and Class Size Matters on the inadequate DOE proposed Contract for Excellence plan for the current school year, which is not aligned with the law,  as well as the faulty schedule of hearings and public comment which take […]

January 13, 2022 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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An Appeal from Diane Ravitch

December 29, 2021 Dear friend – As a historian, I have studied reform in NYC and in cities across the nation. Reform usually means shaking up the system. Centralize, decentralize, recentralize. Reorganize the bureaucracy, put the mayor in control, change the decision-making structure. Hire consultants, hire data analysts, hire coaches. Or reform means outsource the […]

December 29, 2021 in Newsletters, Updates by

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The battle for smaller classes continues

December 14, 2021 Despite the crying need for smaller classes in NYC public schools, and the fact that Int. 2374 had 41 co-sponsors, the class size bill is still being blocked by Speaker Johnson and will not come to a vote this session. When asked about this last week by NY1 reporter Jill Jorgensen, the […]

December 15, 2021 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Time is running out on the class size bill — & how you can help!

November 29, 2021 1. Only about two weeks remain before the Council adjourns and a new City Council  takes office.  Please send a letter TODAY to Council Speaker Corey Johnson by clicking here— demanding that he schedule a vote for the class size reduction bill, Int 2347.   When Johnson was running for Speaker, he […]

November 29, 2021 in Newsletters, Updates by

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why reduce class size especially now? UFT Queens parent presentation

On Saturday, 11/20/21,  I gave the following presentation to participants at the Queens parent conference on why we must reduce class size in NYC schools and how you can help.  Also downloadable at If you’d like to invite us  to your meeting, please email us at  thanks!

November 20, 2021 in Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Urgent! Class size bill in the City Council!

November 17, 2021 Este mensaje está en español aquí. The good news is that with your help, 39 Council Members out of 49 have now signed onto Int. 2374, the bill that would require class sizes be reduced in NYC schools. This is a veto-proof majority, so that if passed, the Mayor could not block […]

November 17, 2021 in Campaigns, Newsletters, Take Action, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Important update on class size bill & how you can help; plus deadline to opt out of SEL screener

Oct. 28, 2021 1. Check out the compelling testimony including videos from yesterday’s hearings on Intro 2374  and the importance of lowering class size, from Regent Kathy Cashin, Diane Ravitch, Elsie McCabe Thompson and others. Diane Ravitch testified that lowering class size would be the most powerful education reform the Council could enact. My written […]

October 28, 2021 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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