Reports & Memos

In response to our legal appeal, DOE will now require parent consent before assigning students to online classes!

In a big win for parents and students, the DOE significantly revised its guidance to schools about online learning after Class Size Matters and five parents launched our legal challenge three weeks ago. See the Daily News article here. Originally, DOE had advised principals that they could assign students to online classes and keep them […]

July 7, 2024 in Reports & Memos, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Comments sent to DOE on class size plan, & news that some schools may lose teachers

June 25, 2024 1. We sent off our comments yesterday to the Mayor and Chancellor, urging them to improve their class size “plan”, which makes insufficient investments in staffing and space.  It was signed by about 570 parents, educators, and community leaders. Thanks to those of you who signed on! The full petition is here. […]

July 2, 2024 in Newsletters, Uncategorized by

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Update on education budget and class sizes

July 2, 2024 1.  The city budget, including for education, was approved last Sunday. The good news is that most of the Mayor’s egregious cuts were restored. But three Council Members voted no — Alexa Aviles, Shahana Hanif and Tiffany Caban –because while they said they were glad that the Council was able to prevent […]

July 2, 2024 in Newsletters, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Why the City Council should vote no on the five-year proposed capital plan for schools

June 29, 2024 The vote is tomorrow at 2 PM.  Feel free to forward to your Council Members.  You can find their contact info here. Full pdf below and here.

June 29, 2024 in Campaigns, Presentations, Uncategorized, Updates by

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570 NYC parents, educators & community leaders say to DOE: fix your class size “plan”!

Press release here. Articles in Chalkbeat and Brooklyn Reader. June 24, 2024 This afternoon, we sent this petition to the Mayor and Chancellor, with copies to UFT and CSA, about the profound inadequacies in their draft class size “plan.”  It was signed by about 570 NYC parents, educators, school staff, advocates and community leaders.   If […]

June 24, 2024 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Hearings on city’s class size plan starting Wednesday – make your voices heard!

May 20, 2024 Dear all — 1. Borough hearings on the DOE’s draft class size plan for next year begin this week this Wednesday, May 22 via Zoom. Please make your voices heard! Bronx – Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (6:00pm) Manhattan – Thursday, May 23, 2024 (6:00pm) Staten Island – Tuesday, May 28, 2024 (6:00pm) […]

June 17, 2024 in Uncategorized by

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Last chance to sign up for Saturday’s Parent Action Conference

May 10, 2024 Dear all — Just alerting you in case you’ve been too busy– this is your last chance to sign up for our annual Parent Action Conference, co-sponsored by NYC Kids PAC, that will be held tomorrow Saturday May 11 starting at 10:30 AM with two great keynote speakers, discussing Mayoral control: where […]

June 17, 2024 in Uncategorized by

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Commissioner’s Appeal vs DOE failure to ensure parent consent placing child in an online learning class

A Commissioner’s Appeal was filed June 12, 2024  on behalf of Class Size Matters and four parent plaintiffs vs DOE guidance dated May 13, 2024 that advised schools that they could place students in online classes and keep them there until their parents complained, which violates the State Education regulations issued April 28, 2024 that […]

June 13, 2024 in Uncategorized by

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Check out CSM & AQE budget demands!

Our one-page demands for the city budget, co-signed by AQE, are posted here and below  – to prevent school budget cuts and larger classes next year and the years to come.

May 29, 2024 in Uncategorized by

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On the Mayor’s Executive budget & planned cuts to schools: Testimony before the Finance & Education Committees

May 15, 2024 Here and below is the Class Size Matters testimony on the Mayor’s Executive Budget and planned cuts to schools. 

May 14, 2024 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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