Take Action

R.S.V.P. Shaping the Next Administration’s Education Agenda


November 27, 2012 in Take Action by

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Ask the Report and Advisory Board Review Commission not to eliminate reporting on class size and TCU’s

The DOE’s Report & Advisory Board Review Commission is supposed to decide which legally-mandated reporting requirements should be eliminated.  The Commission has a majority of mayoral appointees and has the authority to override city law. DOE proposed the elimination of the November class size report and the annual report on TCUs or school trailers, earlier […]

October 31, 2012 in Take Action by

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File a C4E Complaint

If your child’s class size is too large, you can file a Contracts for Excellence (C4E) Complaint. Find it here: http://goo.gl/KxOki Or here:  Loading…

October 24, 2012 in Take Action by

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Fill out our 2 -minute survey!

Fill it out here: http://goo.gl/x03Oi Or here:  Loading…

October 24, 2012 in Take Action by

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