
[EVENT] Mayor de Blasio’s Education Report Card by KidsPAC

April 17, 2015 in Events, Updates by

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Cuomo’s budget bill doubles down on testing; please call now!

March 31, 2015 Dear Friend, Please call your legislators right now, and urge them to vote NO on any budget that ties education aid to teacher evaluation, and teacher evaluation to test scores. Find your Assemblymember here and your Senator here. It appears that Cuomo’s budget bill doubles-down or triples-down on testing in the following ways: Teachers could […]

March 31, 2015 in Newsletters, Take Action, Updates by

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Citywide “Protect Our Schools” Rally Saturday March 28, 2015

March 13, 2015 in Events, Updates by

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4 Simple Steps to Stop Cuomo Damaging Education Proposals!

Here are 4 simple steps you can take to stop Gov. Cuomo’s damaging education proposals. Click the links below to download the flyer in English and spanish. 4 Steps to Stop Cuomo- Download PDF 4 Pasos para Parar Cuomo- Descargar PDF

March 12, 2015 in Take Action, Updates by

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[Event] Please join us to protect our schools on Thursday March 12, Sign-up here!

  Our public schools are under attack. We ask that you join with us in a citywide event on Thursday, March 12, either before or after school, and ask fellow parents, students, teachers and other school staff, to form a ring around your building to symbolically protect your school. Outside NYC, these symbolic actions are taking place on […]

February 24, 2015 in Events by

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Please contact Congress to improve ESEA/NCLB!

The House version of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, also known as NCLB, will likely be voted on this week. The Senate version is currently being negotiated in committee. So this is the time to let your elected representatives in Congress know what you want the final law to say.   Please send […]

February 23, 2015 in Take Action, Uncategorized, Updates by

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EVENT: Join the Movement Against a Test-Obsessed System: A Working Strategy Session with Diane Ravitch

On Wednesday, January 21st, 2015, join the movement against a test-obsessed system and come to a working strategy session with a presentation by Diane Ravitch followed by Breakout Action Groups. See the flyer below for more details.

January 13, 2015 in Events by

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2014 “Skinny” Awards Dinner! Please buy your ticket today!

On Monday, June 9 we will be holding our annual “Skinny” award dinner, to honor three extraordinary individuals who have given us the real “skinny” about our public schools. Our honorees this year are Liz Phillips, principal of PS 321 in Brooklyn, Carol Burris, principal of South Side HS on Long Island, and Patrick Sullivan, […]

April 24, 2014 in Events by

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Class Size Matters’ Executive Director Leonie Haimson to speak on Monday, March 10 in NYC and Wednesday, March 13 in Plattsburgh!

March 5, 2014 in Events by

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Attention CECs, PTA, President Councils, Community Boards: Sample Anti-inBloom resolution!

November 11, 2013 in Privacy, Take Action by

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