
Take action now! urge NY legislators not to cut education funding for next year!

Please contact your legislators now, urging them NOT to cut education funding next year as Gov. Cuomo threatens to do,  by clicking here. Our full legislative agenda is below.

March 30, 2020 in Campaigns, Letter Campaigns, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Call and email the Speaker & your Council Member on class size!

Class Size Matters and other groups are urging the City Council to allocate $100 million towards class size reduction in next year’s education budget. Please call the Speaker’s office  with this message: “As a parent [or teacher, or concerned citizen], I urge the Speaker to  fight for $100 million to be targeted towards reducing class […]

March 10, 2020 in Campaigns, Updates by

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New flyer for the Feb. 28 class size hearings; please share

Here and below is the updated flyer for the Feb. 28 class size hearings at City Hall, starting at 10 AM.  Please share widely, and sorry for all the confusion. Please come to show your support for smaller classes, even if you don’t choose to testify.  If you can’t be there at 10 AM, don’t […]

February 19, 2020 in Events, Uncategorized by

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Letter to Interim Commissioner Tahoe on Testing on Earth Day

Below is the letter sent out on February 13, 2020 to NYSED about Earth Day and the state middle school math test. Class Size Matters, Senator Jackson’s office, Teachers for the Future, and various other organizations and officials signed off on this letter to reschedule the math exams and support student climate strikes, as well […]

February 13, 2020 in Updates, Volunteer to help Class Size Matters by

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Please Sign our Petition Urging AG James to Investigate Illegal College Board Activities

October 11, 2019 Good news! After I published an oped in the Washington Post about how the NY State Education Dept. had proposed regulations that would allow the sale of student data and its use for marketing purposes, and after more than 600 of you sent in comments opposing this attempt to undermine the strong […]

October 11, 2019 in Newsletters, Updates, Volunteer to help Class Size Matters by

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Strengthen the Contract for Excellence Law: Stronger Accountability, Transparency, and a Plan to Reduce Class Size

Please send a message to your legislators today to urge them to fully fund our schools and that there should be stronger accountability, transparency and an actual plan that results in smaller classes in the NYC public schools, as envisioned in the original Campaign for Fiscal Equity decision. In that case,  the state’s highest court […]

March 12, 2019 in Campaigns, Letter Campaigns by

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Stop School Overcrowding! Build New Schools!

About 575,000 students are currently crammed into overcrowded public schools and the situation will only worsen given the city’s growing population and development trends, without a new planning process that takes full account of the need for new schools. Please send a letter to the new Charter Revision Commission signaling your support for the proposal […]

December 14, 2018 in Campaigns, Updates by

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Updating Soon!

November 27, 2018 in Volunteer to help Class Size Matters by

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Reform the School Planning Process!

Please send a letter to the new City Council Charter Revision Committee to propose that the school planning process be reformed. There is a need to reform the city’s planning process, so that sufficient new schools are built along with development – and not years afterwards, as now occurs in our dysfunctional system. If you agree, […]

November 27, 2018 in Campaigns, Updates by

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Ask the Mayor and Chancellor to stop violating student privacy now!

Send a letter to the Mayor and Chancellor asking them to stop violating student privacy by making personal information available to charter schools for marketing purposes. Last fall, parent leader and CEC President Johanna Garcia filed a FERPA complaint with the federal government about the DOE’s practice of allowing charter schools to access her child’s […]

November 10, 2018 in Campaigns, Updates by

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