
Resolution for CECs & community groups on need for DOE to lower class size in compliance with the law

Below is a draft resolution for CECs and other community and advocacy organizations to consider passing, urging the DOE to adopt the recommendations in the report of the Class Size Working Group and begin to lower class size in compliance with the class size law. So far,  resolutions urging the DOE to implement plans to […]

December 15, 2023 in Campaigns, Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Our testimony on the Mayor’s egregious proposed budget cuts to education

December 11, 2023 Our testimony at today’s NYC Council Finance hearings about how the Mayor’s proposed cuts to education would prevent the DOE from complying with the class size law and likely cause even sharper class size increases than students experienced over the last two years.   Also available here.

December 11, 2023 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Comments to NYSED on how their proposed regs on the class size law omit the public process timeline in the law

Update Jan. 5, 2024: As we requested, the mandated timeline was put into the final regulations. November 8, 2023 Below and here  see comments from Class Size Matters, Alliance for Quality Education, and the Education Law Center on the proposed State regulations concerning the public process required for the development and submission of the new […]

November 8, 2023 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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CSM, Ed Law Center & AQE critique of DOE’s revised draft class size plan

Oct. 16, 2023 Below and here is the letter sent today to Commissioner Rosa and the Board of Regents from Class Size Matters, the Education Law Center and AQE, critiquing the DOE revised class size plan submitted to the State on Sept. 29 and asking the Commissioner and the Board of Regents to require a […]

October 16, 2023 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Testimony on the dangers of DOE plans to expand online learning and ed tech

Sept. 20, 2023 See below; testimony here and below for today’s NYC Council hearings on the dangers to both privacy and the quality of education of DOE’s plans to expand the use of online learning. See also our presentation last night on the many ways DOE is putting student data privacy at risk and not […]

September 20, 2023 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Our comments on the DOE’s class size reduction plan & their inadequate response

August 28 update:  The Daily News published an article about our letter and the fact that DOE omitted its only promise for the coming school year from its revised class size plan, and no longer promises that schools that complied with the class size caps in the law last year would receive support and funding […]

August 22, 2023 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Comments on class size paper by Matthew Chingos and Ariella Meltzer

August 3, 2023 Comments on paper by Matthew Chingos and Ariella Meltzer, “Class Size Reductions May Be Inequitably Distributed under a New Mandate in New York City” The primary claim made in this paper is that lowering class size would inequitably benefit white and Asian students rather than Black and Hispanic students, who tend to […]

August 14, 2023 in Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Comments on IBO brief on class size reduction costs

Articles about the IBO estimate were published in the Daily News and Gothamist. July 12, 2023 Comments on IBO brief on class size reduction costs: It is surprising that the IBO came out with a higher estimate of the staffing cost for the new class size reduction law than the city’s estimate– $1.6- $1.8 billion […]

July 12, 2023 in Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Our testimony on the amazing shrinking teaching force & unacceptable cuts to capital plan

May 24, 2023 Our testimony at today’s budget hearings is posted here and below.  We are very concerned about the continued shrinking of the teaching staff and the huge proposed cuts to the capital plan, both of which will make the goals in the new class size law difficult if not impossible to achieve. We […]

May 24, 2023 in Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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Our critique of the DOE preliminary budget & the capital plan & what should be done instead

March 17, 2023 Hearings were held on Wed. before the Education committee of the City Council on the DOE preliminary budget and the Feb. amendment to the capital plan.  During the hearings, the DOE admitted that they plan to cut school budgets even more next year, though they wouldn’t say by how much.  Instead, the […]

March 17, 2023 in Testimonies & Comments, Updates by

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