
Read Senator Edward Markey (Mass.)’s letter to Arne Duncan with questions about handling student data privacy


October 23, 2013 in Privacy by

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AFT’s Randi Weingarten letter about inBloom to Gates & Carnegie Foundations

On May 30, 2013, Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers and member of the Technical Advisory Group of the Shared Learning Collaborative, the precursor to inBloom Inc., wrote a letter to Michele Cahill and Stacey Childress, expressing her concern about inBloom’s privacy and security provisions.  Cahill is Vice President at the Carnegie […]

June 12, 2013 in inBloom updates by

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Comptroller John Liu’s letter to the Commissioner and Regents about inBloom

On May 21st, Comptroller John Liu sent a letter to Commissioner John King and the NY Board of Regents urging King to halt NYSED’s plan to share personally-identifiable student data with inBloom, Inc. Lui’s letter comes just weeks after 4 of the 9 states participating in inBloom are planning to pull out of the project due to privacy concerns. […]

May 26, 2013 in inBloom updates by

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Video and news from our explosive April Town Hall meeting on student privacy

On April 30th we held a Town hall meeting at Brooklyn Borough Hall about the state and city plan to share personally identifiable student information with a corporation called inBloom inc. and other third party vendors. About 150 people showed up, including:  two Regents (Regent Kathleen Cashin of Brooklyn and Regent Betty Rosa of the […]

May 21, 2013 in Events on inBloom & student privacy, inBloom updates, Videos by

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Letter to Commissioner King and the Regents concerning inBloom

On May 15, 2013,  education activists sent a letter to the New York State Regents and Chancellor, alerting them to the fact that 4 out of 9 states have pulled out of inBloom, Inc, and providing updates on the April 29 Town Hall meeting. Download the letter here. Or read below. [scribd id=141715765 key=key-12auz1a3iocvs9ysw9lh mode=scroll]

May 15, 2013 in inBloom updates by

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Come to our Town Hall meeting on student privacy, April 29 at Brooklyn Borough Hall

Everyone is welcome to attend our Town Hall Meeting on student privacy & inBloom Inc. April 29, 2013 at 6pm, Brooklyn Borough Hall Download the flyer here. See our fact sheet here.  

April 17, 2013 in Events on inBloom & student privacy by

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Meetings with CECs and other community groups

Class Size Matters 2013 presentations on inBloom Inc and the sharing of personally-identifiable student and teacher data Date Committee Time Location 4/9/2013 Community Board 1, Youth and Ed. Committee 6:00 PM 49-51 Chambers St, Rm 709 4/10/2013 CEC 3 7:00 PM Wadleigh–215 W 114th St, New York 4/11/2013 CEC 5 6:30 PM Harlem Technology Center, 425 […]

April 8, 2013 in Events on inBloom & student privacy by

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Hofstra University forum and UFT 04/10/13

2 events on April 10, 2013 Class Size Matters will  be speaking on a panel about inBloom and how high-stakes testing is affecting students: Hofstra University forum Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at 7 PM All are welcome, please sign up here   On the same day we are speaking to parents on inBloom, Inc.: At the UFT, […]

April 8, 2013 in Events on inBloom & student privacy by

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Town Hall Meeting 04/29/2013

Save the date! We are holding a Town Hall meeting on inBloom Inc., and the state and city’s plan to share your child’s confidential educational, disciplinary and health records with for-profit vendors, to help them develop and market their “learning products.” Brooklyn Borough Hall, Monday, April 29, 2013 at 6 PM. Co-sponsors include NYC Council […]

April 8, 2013 in Events on inBloom & student privacy by

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Clips from our March 14, 2013 press conference

Here are some news clips and video footage of our March 13, 2013 press conference on student privacy violations. For more information about our press conference, click here.   Parents, Experts Blast New State Database of Private Student Info NBC New York/AP View more videos at: Civil Rights Attorney Norman Siegel speaks up for […]

March 27, 2013 in inBloom updates, Videos by

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