Reports & Memos

A Better Capital Plan 10/2008

How to make the city’s new five-year capital plan for school construction…. A Better Capital Plan October 2008 A Report from: Class Size Matters/The Campaign for a Better Capital Plan/The Manhattan Task Force on School Overcrowding The Center for Arts Education/The United Federation of Teachers

April 26, 2011 in Reports & Memos by

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How Crowded Are Our Schools? 10/3/2008

How Crowded Are Our Schools? New Results from a Survey of NYC Public School Principals Prof. Emily Horowitz (St. Francis College) & Leonie Haimson (Class Size Matters) October 3, 2008   Click here to download the report [PDF]

April 26, 2011 in Reports & Memos by

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High School Discharges Revisited 4/30/2009

High School Discharges Revisited: TRENDS IN NEW YORK CITY’S DISCHARGE RATES, 2000-2007 By Jennifer L. Jennings and Leonie Haimson, April 30, 2009 Here is a NY Times article about our findings:  Number of Students Leaving School Early Continues to Increase, Study Says. This report led to a 2011 audit from the NY State Comptroller’s […]

April 26, 2011 in Reports & Memos by

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CSM testimony on discharge bill 12/25/2011

Testimony of Leonie Haimson, Executive Director of Class Size Matters Hearing on Int. 354 requiring reporting of student discharge rates and Int. 364 for reporting of student outcomes at closing schools Before the NYC Council Education Committee January 25, 2011  

April 26, 2011 in Testimonies & Comments by

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Big cuts in new seats, despite overcrowding crisis, with DOE spinning as a “restoration”

See this DOE press release on their “new” revised amended five year capital plan, which they try to spin as a major restoration, but is really a major cut.   In the Feb. 2010 plan (which was adopted in June), the DOE said they would fund 30,000 new seats at $4 billion, which we  knew […]

April 18, 2011 in Reports & Memos by

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CSM testimony on proposed budget cuts to schools 4/8/11

Testimony of Leonie Haimson, Executive Director of Class Size Matters NYC Council Hearings on Preliminary Budget Hearing – Education – Expense April 8, 2011 Hello, my name is Leonie Haimson, Executive Director of Class Size Matters.  Thank you for allowing me to testify today. Since yesterday, there has been tremendous instability and uncertainty in the […]

April 18, 2011 in Testimonies & Comments by

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State and local efforts across the nation to reduce class size

According to Education Week, 32 states now have class size reduction programs or limit class size by law.  In addition, Minneapolis has a city-funded class size reduction program for all grades through high school.  The following is a summary of several of these programs and their results. Texas Texas was one of the first states […]

April 12, 2011 in Reports, Testimonies, Etc., State Class Size Programs by

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NY Law School presentation on the failure of test-based accountability 9/15/10

My debate with Deputy Chancellor Shael Suransky. More on this debate, which the DOE asked NY Law school to bar reporters from videotaping, is here, here, and here. Power points part 1 and part 2. September 15, 2010.

April 12, 2011 in Presentations by

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NYC’s secret deal to nullify its class size commitments

September 22, 2010 Revelations concerning SED’s secret backdoor deal with DOE on class size See today’s Juan Gonzalez column here, about the backdoor deal made nearly seven months ago between State Education Commissioner Steiner and Joel Klein, to allow the city to nullify its legal and moral commitments to reduce class size, and to let […]

April 12, 2011 in Reports & Memos, Reports, Testimonies, Etc. by

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City Council Testimony about NYC’s inflated test scores and dismal results

September 27, 2010. testimony_on_testing_9._27.10_final.doc

April 12, 2011 in Reports, Testimonies, Etc., Testimonies & Comments by

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