
NYC second to last among cities in student progress on the NAEPs since 2003

Jan. 9, 2012 Class Size Matters has released a detailed analysis of the trend in student achievement in NYC since 2003, when Mayor Bloomberg’s educational policies were first implemented, as measured by the NAEPs – the national assessment carried out every two years by the federal government in 4th and 8th grade English and math. […]

January 9, 2012 in Presentations by

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Resolutions and comments on the flaws in process & results of the DOE’s Contract for Excellence “plan”

The DOE received over 100 public comments as well as many resolutions from Community Education Councils, protesting the city’s inadequate Contracts for Excellence  and class size reduction “plan”. Resolutions were approved by CEC District 1 CEC District 3 CEC District 5 CEC District 20 CEC District 21 CEC District 22 CEC District 30 CEC District […]

December 19, 2011 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized by

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Class size increases for fourth year in a row; here is the data by district

Class Size Matters presentations showing increases in class size and other violations in DOE’s Contract for Excellence plans citywide and by district On Nov. 15, the city released this  year’s class size  data by school, district and borough (click here). Sure enough as we had feared, class sizes increased for the fourth year in a […]

November 22, 2011 in Presentations, Uncategorized by

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Testimony on NYC DOE’s wasteful and corrupt technology contracts

This testimony is also available as a pdf here; for more on these hearings see our NYC Public School Parent Blog here. Testimony of Leonie Haimson, Executive Director of Class Size Matters Before the NYC Council Technology and Contracts Committees On the NYC Department of Education’s wasteful and corrupt technology contracts     October 31, […]

November 1, 2011 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized by

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Is the city violating the law when it comes to class size? You betcha!

Class sizes keep increasing  in all areas of the city, despite the Contracts for Excellence (C4E)  law passed by the state  in 2007, requiring the DOE to reduce class sizes in all grades.  We are now in the fifth and final year of the city’s class size reduction plan, only class sizes in the early […]

October 24, 2011 in Presentations, Reports & Memos, Reports, Testimonies, Etc. by

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Class size reduction vs. Race to the Top: Research, support, and benefits

Last week at the Save Our Schools  conference,  Robin Hiller of Voices for Education  and I presented a workshop on class size reduction vs. Race to the Top. The room at American University was standing room only.  I learned that Robin became involved in class size issue when her daughter was in a class of […]

August 4, 2011 in Benefits of Small Classes, Presentations, Uncategorized by

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Our lawsuit vs. the DOE regarding charter co-locations

July 26.2011 Yesterday, along with the NYC Parents Union and many individual parent plaintiffs, we filed a lawsuit against DOE regarding their policy of co-locating charter schools in DOE buildings.  Our decision to sue the city was not taken likely, and was based upon two principal concerns: 1.  According to NY state law, districts are […]

July 26, 2011 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized by

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Our testimony about the budget cuts and proposals where the money can be found

Check  our NYC Council testimony about the unconscionable budget cuts that the mayor has proposed, that would led to the elimination of 6,000 teaching positions and the sharpest increases in class size in over thirty years. Also check out our proposals as to where more than $1 billion in resources can be found to prevent […]

June 9, 2011 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized by

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Recommendations on School Governance 3/2009

Recommendations on School Governance by the Parent Commission NYC • March 2009   The only good thing to come out of the governance debate and well worth reading for anyone interested in the problems with mayoral control.   These recommendations were endorsed by: Black New Yorkers for Educational Excellence  Brooklyn Society of Ethical […]

April 26, 2011 in Reports & Memos by

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The Independent Parent Survey 2/2008

The Independent Parent Survey: Views of New York City public school parents and parent leaders on class size, testing, and Mayoral control February 2008

April 26, 2011 in Reports & Memos, Uncategorized by

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