Reports, Testimonies, Etc.

New York City Achievement Gap Results 2002-2008

The following slideshow contains information from the Math and ELA yearly NYSED assessments and NAEPS in NYC. The file includes 2002-2008, as well as pertaining achievement gap data. From July 2008, New York City Department of Education. Data files for NYC Math and ELA assessment scores between 2006-2012 may be found here.     [scribd […]

March 25, 2013 in Reports, Testimonies, Etc. by

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NYC parents, attorneys and public officials protest state and city plan to provide confidential student data to corporations

For immediate release, March 14, 2013 For more information:  Leonie Haimson ; 917-435-9329 [scribd id=130379621 key=key-1pzcctk24cykvbx5hrcd mode=scroll]

March 14, 2013 in inBloom updates, Press Releases by

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Opt out letter for New York State parents who do not want their child’s confidential information shared with private corporations

New York State and NYC, along with 8 other states (MA, LA, CO, IL, NC, GA, DE, KY) and more on the way, have agreed to share confidential student and teacher data with a Gates-funded organization called inBloom, Inc. So far, Reuters, the NY Daily News, Hechinger Report, Politics 365, and The Denver Post have […]

March 3, 2013 in inBloom updates by

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CSM 2013 C4E Presentations

Class Size Matters is presenting district-specific class size data and information on the city’s failure to comply with the Contracts for Excellence law to Community Education Councils  in Feb. and March. The following schedule lists the districts that have signed up thus far. If you’re interested in having someone speak to your district CEC, contact […]

February 26, 2013 in Testimonies & Comments by

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Class size increasing citywide: 2013 data & trends for each district

According to the Contracts for Excellence (C4E) law, the DOE is supposed to be reducing class size in all grades.  The city submitted a plan to do so in the fall of 2007, along with annual targets and five year goals.  Instead, class size has risen substantially each year and is now the largest in […]

February 26, 2013 in Presentations by

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Campaign for Fiscal Equity Letters to NYC DOE and NYS ED on C4E violations

The first letter is from the CFE (or Campaign for Fiscal Equity) to DOE’s general counsel, asking the DOE to schedule hearings in each county for the 2012-2013 C4E plan, as per law. The second letter is from the CFE to SED Commissioner King.  It requests that he correct the timeline for 2013-2014 and all subsequent […]

February 21, 2013 in State Class Size Programs by

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Sample Resolution: Student Privacy 2013

Below you will find a sample resolution, created February 2013, on the need to protect student privacy. The resolution is intended for CECs, Community Boards, Presidents Councils and PTAs. For more information on this subject. Look at our fact sheet (here). To download the sample resolution as a document, click (here). Or to view the […]

February 21, 2013 in inBloom updates by

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Sample Resolution: Class Size 2013

Here is a sample resolution on the need to reduce NYC class sizes and comply with the Contracts for Excellence law, created February 2013, for public use. Download the file as a document by clicking (here). Or view it below. [scribd id=126624598 key=key-1uad43maftssgnx2sexs mode=scroll]

February 21, 2013 in Testimonies & Comments by

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A Complete Guide to the Corporate Reform Movement

On February 7th, Diane Ravitch posted our Complete Guide to the Corporate Reform Movement on her blog. Check out our corporate reform document, and see what we wrote: Many parents, teachers and concerned citizens are confused by the superabundance of well-funded advocacy organizations, consulting companies, and research groups promoting the corporate education reform agenda. These […]

February 20, 2013 in Reports & Memos, Reports, Testimonies, Etc. by

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Leonie Haimson on student privacy concerns

Leonie Haimson sat down with Partnership for Student Advocacy’s Mary Conway-Speigel to talk about NY State Education Department’s current plan to turn over private, personally-identifiable student data with a Gates-funded corporation who will then make this data available to commercial vendors. Check our fact sheet here for more information.

February 19, 2013 in inBloom updates, Videos by

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