Reports & Memos

School Leadership Teams: How to urge your principal to lower class size (in Eng & Spanish)

August 9, 2021 Below and attached are talking points in English and in Spanish on how parents and teachers directly or through your School Leadership Teams should urge your principal to use available funds to lower class size and to help ensure social distancing next year, for the sake of stronger academic support and health […]

August 9, 2021 in Reports & Memos, Updates by

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Talking points for C4E borough hearings

July 29, 2021 The DOE is holding borough hearings on their proposed Contracts for Excellence plan from Aug. 2-Aug. 5 at 6:30 PM.  The location of these hearings and the proposed plan are posted here. You can also send your comments on the plan by emailing  Below are some questions you can ask and […]

July 29, 2021 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Letter to Chancellor to ensure there’s meaningful public input in spending of C4E state funds

See our letter written with the Education Law Center to the DOE Chancellor about the need to hold prompt hearings to gain input from parents and others on how the C4E funding will be spent next year.  This public input is legally required and is especially critical now, given that our schools are finally getting […]

June 24, 2021 in Reports & Memos, State Class Size Programs, Uncategorized, Updates by

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New! NYC Mayoral candidate positions on public education issues

Updated June 14, 2021. Below is our summary of the positions of the leading candidates for NYC Mayor on a range of critical education issues. For maximum readability, download it and read at 100% of its size. Please share with others!

June 12, 2021 in Reports & Memos, Uncategorized by

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Class Size Matters & Shino Tanikawa Testimony on the FY 2022 budget: In Support of $250 million to lower class size

Below and here is our May 25, 2021  testimony before the NYC Council Finance Committee on the FY 2021 budget, in support of a separate allocation of $250 million for class size reduction. Below that is the testimony of Shino Tanikawa, co-chair of the Education Council Consortium, which represents the members of the parent-led Citywide […]

May 31, 2021 in Testimonies & Comments by

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Results from Parent Action Conference 2021: How do parents, educators & students want $8B in additional funds to be spent?

On Sat. May 22, 2021, we had a great Parent Action Conference, co-sponsored with NYC Kids PAC and Teens Take Charge, to brainstorm on how parents, educators and students would like the $8B in additional federal and state funds should be spent to meet our students’ needs.  Thanks to all her participated! Our terrific keynote […]

May 22, 2021 in Presentations, Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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CPAC: Why next year will be our best opportunity to lower class size in our schools

We gave this power point presentation to the Chancellor’s Parent Advisory Council on 5.6.21 on why next year, because of the big increase in state and federal funding, we will have the best opportunity to lower class size, at a time  when students will need smaller classes more than ever before. Here it is a […]

May 6, 2021 in Presentations, Uncategorized by

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FAQ: Why NYC Schools should use infusion of new federal & state funds to lower class size next year

Check out the fact sheet here or below.  If you support smaller classes, please urge your CEC or community group to support this resolution.  Please also sign our petition here.

April 21, 2021 in Reports & Memos, Uncategorized by

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Resolutions and memos of support for class size reduction, starting in Fall 2021

This model resolution is also posted as a pdf here.  The Chancellors Parent Advisory Council   passed a similar one in 2021, as did Community Board 2 , Community Board 5 and Community Board 12, all in Manhattan, Community Education Council 8, Community Education Council 15, CEC 27 and the Education Council Consortium.  Community Education Council […]

April 21, 2021 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Memo in opposition to raising the cap on charters or allowing “zombie” charters

UPDATE: 4/7/21 Thankfully, the completed state budget does NOT have any increase in the number of charter schools allowed under the cap; nor does it revive the “zombie” charters! April 5, 2021 I just heard from a connected source that raising the charter cap and/or reviving the “zombie” charters is still on the table in […]

April 5, 2021 in Reports & Memos, Updates by

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