Press Releases

NYC Class Sizes Increase for Sixth Year in a Row, Despite Law Requiring Reduction in Early Grades; Classes are Largest since 1998

NYC Class Sizes Increase for Sixth Year in a Row, Despite Law Requiring Reduction in Early Grades; Classes are Largest since 1998 For immediate release Monday, Nov. 18, 2013 For more information contact: Leonie Haimson,; 917-435-9329   NYC CLASS SIZES INCREASE FOR SIXTH YEAR IN A ROW, DESPITE LAW REQUIRING REDUCTION; IN EARLY GRADES CLASSES […]

November 18, 2013 in Press Releases, Updates by

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For immediate release Wednesday, Nov.13, 2013 For more information contact: Leonie Haimson,; 917-435-9329   LAWSUIT FILED IN NY STATE COURT TO PROTECT STUDENT PRIVACY AND BLOCK INBLOOM   This morning, Wednesday November 13, a lawsuit and a request for a restraining order will be filed in the New York State Supreme Court in Albany against […]

November 13, 2013 in Press Releases, Uncategorized by

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Class Size Matters’ Press Release on Senator Flanagan’s hearings on student privacy

October 30, 2013 in Media, Press Releases by

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Parents and advocates comment on October 8 charter school march

Parents and advocates comment on today’s charter school march  *Originally posted on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at NYC Public School Parents.* For immediate release:  Tuesday, October 8, 2013 Arthur Z. Schwartz, Advocates for Justice:; 917- 923-8136 Leonie Haimson, Class Size Matters: ; 917-435-9329 Sam Pirozollo, NYC Parents Union: ; 917-533-3437 Today, Eva […]

October 10, 2013 in Press Releases by

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NYS Supreme Court rules against NYC DOE and for parents

Great news for public education! Class Size Matters has given presentations to parent groups and CECs, pointing out how DOE has been violating the accountability and public input requirements in the Contracts for Excellence law, by refusing to hold borough hearings and only presenting sketchy power points to Community Education Councils long after the $600 million in annual […]

June 10, 2013 in Press Releases by

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NYSED Commissioner sued over ignoring C4E requirements

As we have made clear in presentations to Community Education Councils  and other parent and community groups, the State Education Department and the NYC Department of Education are equally guilty in ignoring the Contracts for Excellence (C4E) law passed in 2007, which requires public participation and accountability in the development of the city’s C4E and class size […]

June 3, 2013 in Press Releases by

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NYC parents, attorneys and public officials protest state and city plan to provide confidential student data to corporations

For immediate release, March 14, 2013 For more information:  Leonie Haimson ; 917-435-9329 [scribd id=130379621 key=key-1pzcctk24cykvbx5hrcd mode=scroll]

March 14, 2013 in inBloom updates, Press Releases by

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Comments on failed negotiations over teacher evaluation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            Contact: Leonie Haimson Thursday January 17, 2013                                 917-435-9329   Comments on failed negotiations over teacher evaluation   If the Governor goes ahead with punishing NYC children for the mayor’s failures by subtracting $250 million from state aid, it will be terribly unfair.  Yet there is little doubt that […]

January 17, 2013 in Press Releases by

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Letter to NYS Officials Questioning Legality of Providing Confidential Student Data to Corporations

For Immediate Release: October 14, 2012 For more information contact: Norman Siegel: (347) 907-0867; Leonie Haimson: (917) 435-9329; Attorney and Parents Send Letter to NYS Attorney General & Education Officials Questioning Legality of Providing Confidential Student Data to Limited Corporation and Demanding Parental Right to Consent On Sunday, October 14, at a press […]

October 14, 2012 in inBloom updates, Press Releases by

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Parent leaders hail the President’s focus on the need for smaller classes

Parent leaders throughout the nation thank President Obama for recognizing the importance of class size in his weekly address, and for releasing a report that shows how the elimination of 60,000 teaching positions since 2009 is not only unprecedented in US postwar history, but has led to class size increases that are severely damaging the […]

August 20, 2012 in Press Releases by

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