Press Releases

NYC Parent files FERPA complaint to US Department of Education on DOE disclosures to charter schools

For immediate release: November 9, 2017   For more information: Leonie Haimson: 917-435-9329, Johanna Garcia: 646-651-9728,   NYC Parent files FERPA complaint to US Department of Education DOE violated her child’s privacy by disclosing personal information to charter schools without her consent   On Monday, Nov. 6, Johanna Garcia, President of the Community […]

November 9, 2017 in Press Releases, Uncategorized, Updates by

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New Report Reveals Thousands of School Seats Lost in NYC Over the Last Decade Leading to Worse Overcrowding

For immediate release: September 21, 2017 For more information contact: Leonie Haimson,; 917-435-9329   Today, Class Size Matters released a new report entitled Seats Gained and Lost in NYC Schools: The Untold Story.  For the first time, this study reveals that more than 50,000 NYC public school seats were eliminated during the decade of […]

September 21, 2017 in Press Releases, Uncategorized, Updates by

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News articles about our legal complaint were reported by in WNYC Schoolbook: Parents Push NY to Enforce Smaller Class Size Law,  NY1:  Here’s how parents aim to reduce class sizes of city public schools, and the Queens Chronicle: Obey the Law, School Parents Tell City DOE    For Immediate Release:  July 6, 2017   Contact: […]

July 6, 2017 in Press Releases, Uncategorized, Updates by

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NY Appellate Court Affirms School Leadership Team Meetings are Open to the Public

For Immediate Release Date: October 25, 2016 Contact: Leonie Haimson, 917-435-9329;   In a rebuke to the NYC Department of Education, which began closing School Leadership Team (SLT) meetings to the public in 2013, a New York appellate court has found that closing the meetings violates the state’s Open Meetings Law.  In a decision […]

October 25, 2016 in Press Releases, Updates by

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Chief Privacy Officer Finally Appointed; Parents and Advocates Await Next Steps to Protect Student Data 

For immediate release August 24, 2016 For more information: Leonie Haimson,, 917-435-9329 Chief Privacy Officer Finally Appointed; Parents and Advocates Await Next Steps to Protect Student Data  The long overdue appointment announced today by the NY State Education Department of a Chief Privacy Officer, Temitope Akinyemi, is an important step forward to begin to […]

August 24, 2016 in Press Releases, Updates by

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Sharp increase in class sizes of 30 or more in grades K-3

For immediate release November 16, 2015 For more information, contact Leonie Haimson,; 917-435-9329   NYC Class Size data released; average class sizes still increasing according to DOE Number of K-3 students in classes of 30 or more risen sharply since 2011   On Friday, DOE released the latest class size data as of Oct. 31, […]

November 16, 2015 in News, Press Releases, Updates by

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Mayor de Blasio’s Education Report Card

For immediate release: April 19, 2015   Contact: Shino Tanikawa, 917-770-8438, Leonie Haimson, 917-435-9329,   Parents and Advocates release Education report card for Mayor de Blasio Grades range from As to Fs in many crucial areas   Today, Sunday April 19 at noon, in front of the Department of Education headquarters at Tweed, […]

April 19, 2015 in Press Releases, Updates by

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Press Release: Class size averages drop slightly this fall in grades K-3 and 4th-8th, but grow in HS At least 367,794 students remain in classes of 30 or more

For immediate release: November 18, 2014 For more information contact: Leonie Haimson, 917-435-9329, Josey Bartlett, (718) 803-6373 x 202,    Class size averages drop slightly this fall in grades K-3 and 4th-8th, but grow in HS At least 367,794 students remain in classes of 30 or more   Late Friday, the DOE released class size […]

November 18, 2014 in Media, Press Releases, Updates by

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Letter to Assembly Leaders about their proposed elimination of the Contracts for Excellence (C4E) Law, 2014

Today we sent a letter to Assembly leaders, protesting their proposal to eliminate all traces of the Contracts for Excellence (C4E) from the state budget.   Why they have done this I have no idea, especially as the C4E law is one of the few remaining traces of the Campaign for Fiscal Equity (CFE) lawsuit, requiring […]

March 26, 2014 in All Links and Documents, Links and Documents, 2014, Press Releases, Uncategorized by

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Press Release: New York City Parents and Elected Officials File Suit Seeking Injunction To Stop Bloomberg’s 42 Recently Approved School Co-locations

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release December 29, 2013 Contacts: Mona Davids, (646) 872-7149 Leonie Haimson, (917) 435-9329 Arthur Schwartz, Esq. (917) 923-8136 New York City Parents and Elected Officials File Suit Seeking Injunction To Stop Bloomberg’s 42 Recently Approved School Co-locations New York City public school parents joined by Public Advocate-elect Letitia James and City Council members Melissa Mark-Viverito, Jumaane Williams, Margaret […]

December 29, 2013 in Press Releases by

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