
Sign up now for our Jan. 27 Parent Action Conference now –with special guest!

Dear Sebastian, Happy New Year!  Our annual Parent Action Conference, co-sponsored by Class Size Matters, NYC Kids PAC and CEC2, will be held Saturday, Jan. 27, 2018 at the Peck Slip School in downtown Manhattan (Take the A,C, 2, 3, 4, 5, J, or Z trains to Fulton Street; map here.) Here is a flyer you can send to colleagues […]

January 3, 2018 in News, Newsletters, Recent Newsletters by

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Last chance to give in 2017!

              Dear Activist, Thanks so much if you’ve given already to Class Size Matters and if not, tonight is your last chance to make a tax-deductible donation in 2017. Happy New Year to all! — Leonie  

December 31, 2017 in News, Newsletters, Recent Newsletters by

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Please help us keep going in 2018!

            Dear Activist, Please contribute to Class Size Matters, the only nonprofit focused on advocating for smaller classes and student privacy. Sadly, class sizes have increased in New York and in many other states since the great recession, and may increase even more given the Trump administration’s actions to defund […]

December 27, 2017 in News, Newsletters, Recent Newsletters by

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If you value small classes & student privacy, please support our work going forward!

In your end-of-the-year giving, please donate to Class Size Matters to support our work in 2018 by clicking here. Class Size Matters is the only nonprofit in the nation dedicated towards advocating for smaller classes. In July, along with the NYC Public Advocate, AQE and nine NYC parents, we filed a legal complaint with the […]

December 19, 2017 in Newsletters, Recent Newsletters by

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Update on citywide conference; please sign up now! and other news

Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 6:42 PM 1.Reminder: Please sign up now for our Parent Action Conference, co-sponsored with CEC 2 and NYC Kids PAC, on Saturday Nov. 5 at the Spruce St. school near City Hall. Reserve your tickets here. A flyer you can post in your schools is here. Among the workshops: Fighting […]

October 25, 2016 in Newsletters, Recent Newsletters by

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Welcome back, new developments on privacy, class size survey, & primaries tomorrow

Dear Folks, Welcome back to a new school year.  I have some good news and not-so-good news to report. After a two year delay, the NYS Education Department finally appointed a Chief Privacy Officer, as required by the student privacy law passed in March 2014. This is the law that also banned inBloom.  Here is […]

September 12, 2016 in Newsletters, Recent Newsletters, Updates by

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Ask the DOE to comply with C4E law and reduce class size now

Dear Folks, It is that time of year again — when DOE submits a totally inadequate Contracts for Excellence plan, which does little or nothing to reduce class size or move our schools forward. For the first time since the C4E law passed in 2007, I am not urging parents to attend the borough hearings, […]

July 26, 2016 in Recent Newsletters, Updates by

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Update! new class size reports and videos from our Skinny dinner

July 7, 2016 Dear Friend, 1.       Yesterday, the Education Law Center released a new report detailing growing class sizes in NYC schools, with 95% of K-3 students enrolled in schools missing the Contract for Excellence goals of 20 students per class, originally established by the city and state. In other grades, the […]

July 7, 2016 in Newsletters, Recent Newsletters, Updates by

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Update on testing, mayoral control, de Blasio report card, and more!

May 24, 2016 Dear Friend, It’s been a very busy week! Before I go into the details, please remember to buy tickets to our June 9 Skinny annual dinner, honoring Juan Gonzalez and Robert Powell, coming up soon. It is always one of the most fun and joyful events of the year— and along with […]

May 24, 2016 in News, Newsletters, Recent Newsletters, Updates by

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Reserve your seat now for the Skinny awards; & update on DOE’s flawed contracts and court decision on teacher evaluation

May 11, 2016 Dear Friend, 1. We’re holding our annual “Skinny” award dinner on Thursday June 9, presenting a Lifetime Achievement award to Juan Gonzalez, investigative reporter, who just retired from the NY Daily News. Juan has done more than any other human being to uncover corruption in city spending and the charter school sector, […]

May 11, 2016 in News, Newsletters, Recent Newsletters by

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