DOE Hearings & suggested talking points on their 2022-2023 C4E plan

Because of our continued advocacy and the support of the Commissioner, the NY State Education Department is now requiring that NYC hold its CEC and Borough public hearings on their Contract for Excellence spending plan for next year in May and June of this year – rather than dragging these hearings into the fall and […]

May 23, 2022 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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Letter from CSM, Education Law Center & AQE to DOE & NYSED about their inadequate C4E plan

January 13, 2022 Check out the letter below from the Education Law Center, Alliance for Quality Education and Class Size Matters on the inadequate DOE proposed Contract for Excellence plan for the current school year, which is not aligned with the law,  as well as the faulty schedule of hearings and public comment which take […]

January 13, 2022 in Testimonies & Comments, Uncategorized, Updates by

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NYS Supreme Court rules against NYC DOE and for parents

Great news for public education! Class Size Matters has given presentations to parent groups and CECs, pointing out how DOE has been violating the accountability and public input requirements in the Contracts for Excellence law, by refusing to hold borough hearings and only presenting sketchy power points to Community Education Councils long after the $600 million in annual […]

June 10, 2013 in Press Releases by

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NYSED Commissioner sued over ignoring C4E requirements

As we have made clear in presentations to Community Education Councils  and other parent and community groups, the State Education Department and the NYC Department of Education are equally guilty in ignoring the Contracts for Excellence (C4E) law passed in 2007, which requires public participation and accountability in the development of the city’s C4E and class size […]

June 3, 2013 in Press Releases by

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