Sign up now for our Jan. 27 Parent Action Conference now –with special guest!
Dear Sebastian,
Happy New Year! Our annual Parent Action Conference, co-sponsored by Class Size Matters, NYC Kids PAC and CEC2, will be held Saturday, Jan. 27, 2018 at the Peck Slip School in downtown Manhattan (Take the A,C, 2, 3, 4, 5, J, or Z trains to Fulton Street; map here.) Here is a flyer you can send to colleagues or post in your schools.
After a rousing call to action by Bronx principal Jamaal Bowman, morning workshops will address critical issues including Parent Organizing 101, Legal challenges to overcrowding and large classes, Advocating for your child with special needs, Opting out of testing, Integrating our schools, Preventing bullying, Fighting charter expansion, and Promoting Restorative Justice.
In the afternoon, we will show the acclaimed documentary on school privatization, “Backpack Full of Cash” narrated by Matt Damon. After the film, there will be a panel discussion with special guest NY Board of Regents Chancellor Betty Rosa. At some point during the day, we also plan to solicit the views of parents attending the conference just what sort of Chancellor they would like to be appointed to replace Carmen Farina, who is retiring.
Please sign up now at Eventbrite. We’re asking for a donation of $10 to cover the cost of lunch and the film, but you can contribute any amount you like. If you need a scholarship to attend, just email us at [email protected]. Hope to see you there! — Leonie
PS Check out this week’s The Nation, in which the editors urge Mayor de Blasio to focus on integrating our public schools and reducing class size during his second term.