Please contact Congress to improve ESEA/NCLB!

The House version of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, also known as NCLB, will likely be voted on this week. The Senate version is currently being negotiated in committee.

So this is the time to let your elected representatives in Congress know what you want the final law to say.   Please send a message now to Congress and feel free to add to or edit the letter’s suggestions in any way you like, but please mention:

1. For states and districts to be able to use Title II funds for class size reduction, as in current law and Title I funding to be increased.

2. To minimize testing and provide flexibility for states and districts to design their own exams.

4.  Allow parents to opt their children out of state tests.

5.  Strengthen provisions around student privacy.

Fill out your information below to add or edit the letter and send to your representatives.

Categories Take Action, Uncategorized, Updates | Tags: | Posted on February 23, 2015

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