124 Waverly Pl. (gr.fl.) NYC NY 10011; 212-674-7320; [email protected]

Class Size Matters is a non-profit organization that advocates for class size reduction in NYC’s public schools and the nation as a whole.  The New York Times has called us the “city’s leading proponent of smaller classes.”

We provide information on the benefits of class size reduction to parents, teachers, and concerned citizens, as well as monitor class sizes in New York City.  We  issue reports on class size and related issues, hold conferences and provide briefings for community groups, elected officials and parent organizations.

You can receive regular updates on class size issues by emailing [email protected]

The organization’s founder and Executive Director, Leonie Haimson, has been named a “Family Hero” by New York Family magazine, and has appeared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Good Day NY, WNBC news, and has been quoted in the New York TimesWall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Daily News, New York Post, El Diario, Education Week, and Amsterdam News, as well as many other newspapers, magazines and journals.

Please make a tax-deductible donation by clicking here, or by sending a  check to: Class Size Matters, 124 Waverly Pl., New York, NY 10011

Our EIN# is 20-2169746.

For more information,  send an email to [email protected], call us at 212-674-7320; or check our website at www.classsizematters.org


Categories Contact | Tags: | Posted on April 27, 2011

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