MA Privacy and Advocacy groups write letter about student privacy to MA BESE

On February 7, 2013, the Massachusetts ACLU, Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood, Citizens for Public Schools and Massachusetts PTA wrote a joint letter to the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education about the release of students’ personally identifiable information to the Gates-sponsored inBloom, Inc..

New York and Massachusetts are two of nine states that have agreed to share confidential student and teacher data in Phase I with the “Shared Learning Collaborative” or SLC, a project of the Gates Foundation, who will turn over this info to inBloom, Inc.

In the letter, these groups urge the BESE to “ensure that student privacy rights are fully protected.” For more information on inBloom and the release of student data, see our fact sheet.

Check out the letter below, or click here.


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Categories Testimonies & Comments | Tags: | Posted on February 7, 2013

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