Cuomo’s budget bill doubles down on testing; please call now!
March 31, 2015
Dear Friend,
Please call your legislators right now, and urge them to vote NO on any budget that ties education aid to teacher evaluation, and teacher evaluation to test scores. Find your Assemblymember here and your Senator here.
It appears that Cuomo’s budget bill doubles-down or triples-down on testing in the following ways:
- Teachers could be denied tenure or get fired if their student don’t test well enough on consecutive years.
- Localities can choose to impose yet another state exam in addition to the existing Common Core exam to balance out the unreliable results of the first.
- Districts will be denied any additional state aid unless they adopt this teacher evaluation plan by the fall.
For more on these proposals, see here and here. But please call now!
Leonie Haimson
Executive Director
Class Size Matters
124 Waverly Pl.
New York, NY 10011
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