Contact your legislators today! Urge them to require provisions in budget bill to strengthen student privacy!

We have heard that there is going to be privacy language in the budget bill due April 1 — just one week from tomorrow.  Please call your legislators in the Assembly and Senate today and tell them the language in A8929 needs strengthening to make it clear that parents will have the right to opt out of the disclosure of their child’s personal data to third parties  (the current bill is contradictory on this issue, and in one section seems to leave it up to the Commissioner) AND that there are sufficient security protections, including robust encryption standards, audits, and indemnification provisions, along the lines of the Class Size Matters language.

The legislature should also appoint a task force of stakeholders to study current and future data sharing practices, and make further recommendations as to how to protect student privacy.

You can follow up with an e-mail to your legislators giving them this link which has our suggested amendments.  The language we are proposing, along with the reasons for it, are also posted below. Thanks!

Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on March 24, 2014

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