AFT’s Randi Weingarten letter about inBloom to Gates & Carnegie Foundations

On May 30, 2013, Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers and member of the Technical Advisory Group of the Shared Learning Collaborative, the precursor to inBloom Inc., wrote a letter to Michele Cahill and Stacey Childress, expressing her concern about inBloom’s privacy and security provisions.  Cahill is Vice President at the Carnegie Corporation, and Childress is the Deputy Director of the Gates Foundation, and they are both founding members of inBloom’s Board of Directors.  In particular, inBloom is a creation of the Gates Foundation, and was launched via $100 million of its funding.

In her letter, Weingarten asks many questions, such as:

  • How is inBloom assuring that there is no unauthorized access to personally identifiable student and teacher data? 
  • What are inBloom’s plans to charge vendors for access to student data?
  • How secure is its cloud-based storage compared with other methods?

Check out Weingarten’s letter, and the June 5th response from Cahill and Childress below.

[scribd id=147373116 key=key-fb06lfj2qkhf1j1q5hn mode=scroll]

Or download the pdf here: inBloom Letter


June 5th response:
[scribd id=147373111 key=key-2k4fxdzd2i1assvddtze mode=scroll]


Or download the pdf here: Letter to Randi Weingarten

Categories inBloom updates | Tags: , , , , , , | Posted on June 12, 2013

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