It’s your right to decide whether to opt out of state testing this week
April 3, 2016
Dear Friend,
It’s that time of year: Starting Tuesday, public school students throughout the state will be subjected to three days of the burdensome, stressful, overly long, confusing and poorly constructed ELA exams. The math exams will be held from April 13 –15. (Schedule here.)
Check out our blog for some of the numerous reasons you should consider opting your child out of these exams, including the weak privacy protections for your child’s data. His or her test scores will be placed into the state’s student longitudinal data system. Currently the State Education Department plans to put all this personally identifiable data into the state archives — potentially forever, with as yet no particular rules or restrictions on access.
As I’m quoted in the Network for Public Education press release, opting out is the most effective strategy parents have, both here in New York and throughout the nation, to protest, disrupt and dismantle the punitive agenda of high-stakes testing, Common Core and privatization that is undermining our public schools and hurting our kids.
See also Diane Ravitch’s compelling video message here. If you do decide to opt out, NY State Allies for Public Education has a sample letter to send to your principal; here’s one from Change the Stakes.
But whatever you decide, remember it is your right to determine what’s best for your child.
Leonie Haimson
Executive Director
Class Size Matters
124 Waverly Pl.
New York, NY 10011
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