Our 2023 Parent Action Conference was a great success!
On Saturday, June 10th we had a great Parent Action Conference, co-sponsored with NYC Kids Pac.
Many committed parent and teacher activists met via Zoom. We began the conference with powerful remarks from Council Member Alexa Avilés about her decision as a PTA co-president to run for office, and what the biggest challenges she faced as an elected official. Then we had excellent break-out groups to discuss the looming DOE budget cuts, the new literacy initiative, the need to expand Language Access for multi-lingual parents, how to run for elective office, the new class size law, the push to eliminate Regents exams as a graduation requirement, and what to do if ACS is called on you.
We ended the day with thoughts from State Senator Robert Jackson, State Senator Harvey Epstein, and State Representative John Liu. Thanks to everyone who participated!
We’ve posted the program for the day – also below, that has links to many of the presentations and videos of the sessions. We highly recommend checking them out!
If you attended our conference, please take this brief survey. It will help give us ideas about what issues we should cover in future conferences, and what improvements could make these events even more useful to parents.
Thanks to everyone who made this a great event. We hope to see you all next year!